Chapter 25

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Aurelia found herself waiting outside of Filch's office later that evening, dressed in one of Sirius' sweaters and her ever trustworthy pyjama pants that she'd stolen off of Kira during their third year. The Marauders, who were all serving an eight-hour detention under the forgetful eye of Argus Filch, were due out any second, and Aurelia really didn't want to be around the girls right now, who were either studying, partying, or in Lily's case, hanging out with Severus.

All Aurelia wanted was to be in Sirius' arms.

She missed him.

"What're you doing out here, Dove? It's bloody freezing out here, you'll catch a cold!" James fretted, the first one to run out of Filch's office. Immediately, he slung an arm over Aurelia's shoulder, pulling her close to him to try and keep her warm, and Aurelia groaned, rolling her eyes.

"I'm in my pyjamas, Bambi," she said, folding her arms across her chest. James tutted, acting much like his mother, and fussed over her some more as the other three Marauders stepped out, each with an exhausted look on their face. Sirius raised his eyebrow at the sight of James and Aurelia, knowing by now that whenever the two were together, they were either arguing over each other's wellbeing, or planning something truly evil.

Their last plan was to set up a shop that only sold cauldron cakes that involved some interesting ingredients.

"Hey, Siri," Aurelia said in a sweet tone, leaving James' side to catch her boyfriend in a hug. With her arms looped around his neck, her feet were dangerously close to dangling off of the floor, so Sirius scooped her up, his arms firmly holding her waist to his body.

"Hey Lia," the boys all echoed, before Sirius could even open his mouth. He glared at them, trying his hardest not to grin as Aurelia pressed a gentle kiss to his chin, her eyes not leaving his face.

"Were you waiting for us?" he asked quietly, setting her down gently onto her feet. Aurelia nodded, not wanting to disclose her true reasoning for staying away from everyone. Sirius' grin widened, and despite how tired he was, he had enough energy to turn around and motion for Aurelia to jump onto his back, securing his arms under her legs.

Her sweet rose scent immediately enveloped his senses, and the boys snickered as a goofy look overcame Sirius' features, though internally, each felt the harsh sting of uncontrollable jealously at how happy their brother looked. Sirius, the boy who'd never bothered with girls, now looked his happiest with his girl snuggled close to him, looking at him as if he were her entire world.

Aurelia and Sirius were made for each other, as James had been the first to realise months ago when he'd caught them laughing together in the library, both snorting like pigs as they leant on one another for support. Though he was Sirius' oldest and closest supporter, he knew there were things he couldn't understand.

Aurelia understood Sirius perfectly.

They shared life experiences many could not even fathom, stories from littered scars that no soul would ever come to know about. No one but Aurelia knew about just how cruel his childhood had been, some details so gruesome, only someone with a shared life could handle.

Sure, James knew a lot about Sirius. Hell, the Marauders were his family, a brotherhood that was stronger than any form of magic.

But Aurelia knew the true meaning of the word home when Sirius uttered it. Aurelia understood perfectly when Sirius flinched at unexpected loud noises. Sirius knew that the tapping of Aurelia's quill against the wooden tables was not just a bad habit. There were things the other boys, who'd grown up in loved homes with no fear of their families, would never understand the way Sirius and Aurelia did.

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Dumbledore watched with a sparkle in his eye as Sirius escorted Aurelia to the kitchens for a late dinner, both quickly coming to the realisation they had not eaten since lunch. He'd had his eye on the young Ravenclaw girl all year, watching and sensing as her abilities surfaced more frequently, but had also been watching the boy with interest, at his particular trait for protecting her.

Both were incredibly talented at their chosen skills – Aurelia's charms and seer abilities outrivalled even close to that of Filius Flitwick, and Sirius' top marks in Defence Against the Dark Arts made them both perfect candidates for the organisation he was forming.

When he'd told Minerva of his proposal, she'd immediately rebutted, her loyalty towards what everyone in the staff knew to be her favourite student shining through.

Albus had expected that.

What he had not expected next was her immense refusal to even include Aurelia Hope, stating that both Sirius and Aurelia had experienced far too much only to be thrust into another war. The girl only ever saw the witch during Transfiguration classes.

But Minerva had been watching Aurelia and Sirius during their countless study sessions, their late walks in the castle.

So now Dumbledore was at a fork in the road.

Once his decision was made, Aurelia would know instantly. She'd talk to Sirius, who'd spill to the Marauders, who'd each spill to their own trustees in the girls they so clearly either fancied or trusted most.

It'd be no secret once his choice was made.

Aurelia's laugh echoed into the kitchens as Sirius led her in, and for the first time in a long time, Albus did not know what to do. He'd been the bearer of a broken heart for decades and knew the signs of true love in the two students under his care.

Love was a dangerous chemical in war.

It would either make or break his brightest students.

"Careful, Master Black, that tea is quite hot," a house elf squealed, as Sirius and Aurelia emerged from the kitchens moments later, each with a tray of food and drink in their hands. Aurelia muttered a quick spell for them both, causing the trays to float, and Sirius bent down to the house elf's level, bowing his head respectfully.

"Thank you for this, Pollie," he whispered, reaching out to shake the elf's hand. Timidly, the elf shook Sirius' large one, before doing the same with Aurelia, who smiled at the elf in a genuine manner.

"Pollie is humbled to serve such kind students," Pollie said in a quiet tone, looking up at the two students with a smaller smile. "Pollie wishes you both only happiness."

Pollie disappeared back into the kitchen, and Sirius tugged Aurelia into his side, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Shall we feast, my lady?" he asked, presenting a posh voice for Aurelia. She laughed, smiling in adoration at Sirius, and nodded, clasping their hands together.

"Until we are grey with age, my Siri."

Albus furrowed his brows.

He did not know what to do.

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