Chapter 17

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Lily was with Aurelia in the Ravenclaw dormitory as she helped her best friend pack her trunk for Christmas break. Scarves, blouses, and books were a strewn all over the crisp bed covers the trunk sat upon, and currently, Aurelia was inside of it, fixing the shelves in the room she'd created out of her battered trunk.

"I should get some more potions equipment," she called out from inside, as Lily folded socks and underclothes and placed them in.

"I don't know why you'd need any Lia, you'll be with James and Sirius the whole time," Lily called back, tucking her wand into her bun. "Although perhaps you should stock up on some books, these certainly won't last the entire break."

Aurelia popped her head out of her trunk, raising an eyebrow towards Lily. "Fifty books aren't enough?"

Both girls paused, looking at each other, before bursting out with laughter.

"Don't you fret Lils, I've got another twenty packed away down here," Aurelia reassured her friend, climbing out of her trunk in the process. The train left tomorrow, but Aurelia had been busy studying the past few days for her upcoming Apparition test, which was directly after they returned.

She'd received a lovely three-page letter from Euphemia a week ago, who was ecstatic to finally meet the girl Sirius and James always talked about. James' mother had asked about Aurelia's allergies, what her favourite colour was (for her bedroom, of course), and if she had any requests for supper.

Aurelia had been overwhelmed by Euphemia's kind words, and had immediately written back, expressing only gratitude and no requests. Her favourite colour was blue, as was no surprise considering both James and Sirius adored red due to their house, and that she was only allergic to shellfish.

"I wish I could come and meet James' mum," Lily said as the two girls sat by the windowsill. It overlooked the Herbology greenhouses, and Lily spotted Remus heading away from there, no doubt stocked with plants that the Marauders would be able to use for their pranks.

"Perhaps over summer, Lily," Aurelia suggested, leaning her head on Lily's shoulder. "James and Euphemia have already said I can stay there if I do not wish to go back to my parents this summer, and I would love to see you finally over a summer break."

"Already planning your summer break?" Kira asked, striding into the room with her quidditch gear in hand, covered in dirt and grime. She tossed it towards the washing basket in the centre of the room, and it began to clean it for her, curtesy of spell she, Wendy and Aurelia had placed on it their first night at Hogwarts.

"I'm sure Euphemia wouldn't mind if you and Wendy visited," Aurelia said, bunching her long hair into two low ponytails. Today she wore Sirius' quidditch jumper, and it complimented her dark hair rather nicely, according to the boy. He'd insisted on braiding her hair the night before, so it held a gentle curl to it for once, which she adored.

"No, mums and dads aren't really my thing," Kira admitted, throwing her quidditch guards into the open trunk at the end of her bed. "Mine are bad enough, especially now that Erin is in Hufflepuff. Besides, this summer, I'm going to be training with the Holyhead Harpies in that program I got accepted into."

"Which we are very proud of," Wendy piped up, entering the dorm room with a bright smile on her face. The three girls raised their eyebrows at Wendy's sudden pep and raised them even further as Wendy collapsed onto her bed, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"What are you grinning for? Did someone just name you Witch of the Year?" Kira asked, walking over to Wendy. Wendy was now giggling like a little girl, and Kira looked back to Lily and Aurelia, who just shrugged.

"He's so handsome," Wendy gushed, sighing audibly.

"Who's handsome, Williams?" Kira enquired, taking a seat beside Wendy's head. The blonde curly hair of her friend lay splayed over her pillow like a golden halo, and Kira tenderly brushed it aside, her fingers lingering for a split second. Kira's own hair was currently braided into an intricate bun on her head, which had taken her a few hours to complete both with magic and by hand.

"Peter Pettigrew."

Lily's eyes widened, as Aurelia stuffed a pillow in her face.

"PETER PETTRIGREW?" Kira asked loudly, trying to confirm the absurd sentence that had just escaped from Wendy's mouth. Wendy giggled, and Lily stood up, gliding over to Wendy's side. The three girls had never even seen Wendy and Peter talk before, let alone hear any mention of them liking each other.

"And here I thought you were more of a Remus Lupin type," Aurelia murmured to herself, still shocked, and surprised at hearing Wendy gush about Peter. He was definitely not the most handsome boy at their school, with that title going to James, Sirius, and Remus, and he often stayed to himself, not even speaking to the boys on some days.

"Remus is handsome, but there's just something about Peter that makes my heart sing," Wendy sang out, dramatically throwing her hands out as if she were in a muggle film. The three other girls shared a look, before nodding in agreement.

"Love potion."

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"PETER!" Lily hollered as she strode into the Marauders dormitory with Aurelia in tow. An inhumane screech sounded from Peter's closed off bed, before a body thumped to the floor, belonging to a one, Peter Pettigrew.

"What's he done this time?" James asked sleepily, lifting his head from his pillow. Sirius and Remus, who were busy playing exploding snap, looked up from their game momentarily as the red-headed witch grabbed Peter by the scruff of his shirt, not bothering to help their friend out as Lily dragged him out of their dorm.

"Good morning, Lia," Sirius said with a dimpled grin, patting the spot next to him. "Come and play exploding snap with us, darling. We've got some muggle chocolates here if you want some."

Aurelia happily obliged, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her favourite Gryffindor, but insisted on just playing on his team, as she knew she could just simply look over his shoulder to see his cards. Sirius did not mind – it meant that her arm stayed wrapped around his, and her chin lay directly on his shoulder.

"So, what has our little Peter done this time?" Remus asked, his voice slightly drowned out by James' snores.

"Oh, he sent Wendy a love potion," Aurelia said nonchalantly, pointing to one of Sirius' cards so that he could put it down. Remus choked on the air, whilst Sirius just shook his head with a devilish grin, placing his card down.

"3," Sirius murmured to her, his lips tickling at her ear.

"2," she replied back, enjoying the scent that radiated off of him.


Their unison would have normally frightened Remus, but the boy was off on a search for Lily and Peter, ready to reprimand his friend on why the use of Love Potions was highly wrong and immoral.

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