Chapter 19

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The Weasley family brought only more joy and laughter into the Potter home when they arrived bright and early the next morning. Molly was a joyous woman, who carried little baby Percy tight in her arms as she greeted Euphemia with a warm grin, her bright red-hair sitting on her shoulders in loose curls.

Arthur walked apparated soon after with Charlie and William, who had stated in a nasally, high-pitched tone, that his name was Bill. He was two years older than Charlie, who in turn was four years older than Percy, and the three boys all shared their mother and father's bright red hair, which could be seen from a mile away.

Sirius, Aurelia, and James had all dressed up in their best clothes, Aurelia borrowing some of the new garments Euphemia had purchased for her whilst sneaking on one of Sirius' many rings. The two boys were identical sweaters, Sirius' in red and James' in black, and together, the trio had never looked better.

"Molly, you remember Sirius, don't you?" Fleamont asked, gesturing to the well-kept boy beside James and Aurelia. Molly shrieked with glee, handing Percy over to Euphemia, before bumbling over to Sirius, tugging him into a motherly embrace.

"It's so good to see you darling, all safe and with a belly full of good food. How are Mia and Monty treating you?" she asked kindly, stepping back to take a look at the boy she'd seen growing up over the years. He was far more filled out now than he used to be when she'd visit during summer, far taller and broader than even last summer.

The smile gracing his lips was as pure as the way his eyes lit up, and Molly glanced over to Euphemia and Fleamont, who looked at their two sons with pride.

"Like family, Molls," Sirius answered, bringing his hand to Aurelia's waist to introduce her to his favourite person. "This is Aurelia, by the way, she's Lily's best friend and now mine too."

Aurelia blushed as Molly gave her a once over, trying to sense the girl's intentions. Molly had a knack for knowing people inside and out before they spoke but could not help the smile she grew as she saw how close Sirius and the girl were. That was why his eyes were so joyous, she deciphered.

"It's an absolute pleasure to meet you, my darling," she finally said, bringing Aurelia into one of her infamous hugs. Her natural performed scent enveloped Aurelia like a second hug, and Aurelia was quick to hug back, though quite unfamiliar with such love expressed by the woman she'd never met.

Dinners in her family consisted of handshakes and curtseys, before the married couples went off to dine in one room with wine and simple food, and the children were sent off to their bedroom to eat supper alone, before, during and after prayer. Uncles and aunts never kissed their nieces cheeks, boys were allowed to stay up and drink with the adults, and overall, Aurelia loathed the experience.

She could not imagine hating dinner with all these festive and cheerful wizards.

"Ah Sirius, looking as dapper as ever," Arthur complimented, adjusting the pointed hat he wore with a proud grin. "And as my darling wife said, it is a pleasure and privilege to meet you, Miss Hope. You are quite the witch I hear, according to Filius whenever he makes a stop by my department."

Aurelia's blush could not get any deeper from Arthur's remark. She knew she was skilled, just as Lily and Remus were, but she was not aware her head of house was so proud about her and her various wizarding achievements.

"Aurelia Hope speechless?" James remarked with a grin, throwing his arm around her shoulders. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, ruffling her hair affectionately. "This is a first Arthur, I must say."

"Oh, stop teasing the girl," Euphemia said, smacking the upside of James' head gently. "Go and entertain the boys whilst I finish up lunch you three, and if I see any child crying-"

"You'll hex us into the next life, we know mum," Sirius finished for her, clasping Aurelia's hand in his own. Charlie and Bill diligently stood beside James, familiar with the boy from their many trips to the Potter home, and Aurelia took Percy from Molly, hugging the baby close to her chest.

His small tuft of red hair was contained by a knitted blue beanie, and Aurelia found herself caressing it gently as James led their small group towards the greenhouse, which was attached to the back of the large home. Sirius could not stop staring at the girl, who seemed so at home hugging the youngest Weasley to her chest, cooing small words at him with a bright smile.

"James, look at this!" Bill squeaked, shutting his eyes tightly before a vase exploded in the centre of the giant greenhouse. All three teenagers cringed as Charlie clapped for Bill, and Sirius repaired it quickly, whilst James complimented the young boy. Aurelia sat with Percy under the bough of a willow tree central to the odd greenhouse, and began humming a soft tune to him, in her grandmother's tongue.

The Irish accent most heard by day was amplified as she sung to little Percy, whose eyes were shut tightly as he fell asleep to the warm tones of Aurelia's voice. Her grandmother had always told her she had a magical voice as a child, one as enchanting as the creatures in her storybooks that the old woman stealthily gifted her.

Aurelia became so lost in her song that she did not realise Bill and Charlie had seated themselves by her feet, absentmindedly playing with the hem of her jeans. Sirius and James leant against one of the pillars in the room, both smiling gently as their friend continued to rock Percy in her arms, and James nudged Sirius, his smile broadening.

"You love her, Padfoot," he whispered, placing his arm on his best friend's shoulder. Sirius just nodded still lost in Aurelia's voice, and James chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"And here I thought I had it bad for Lily."

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