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Mandy exhaled the smoke from her lungs, the smoke hits the bathroom mirror causing it to spread and fade into the cracks of the ceiling. she flicks the ashes in the running sink water and takes another drag, this time letting the cigarette hang in her mouth as she ruffles her hair and fixes the mascara that was running down her face. she hears the door open from behind her and in walks a timid freshman

the freshman had honey colored hair that reached to her mid back, a pink blouse and white skirt fit her form and a matching pink thick headband putting the cherry on top of her innocence

the girl gives her a frightened glance and Mandy gives her a small smile. the girl seemed to ease up at the interaction and waved to mandy

Mandy let out a little laugh and nodded to the girl "you got the whole pixie hollow look going on" mandy takes another drag and points to the girl with the cigarette "i like it" she exhales and the girl twirls her hair with nerves "thank you" her voice was low but sultry at the same time

"you've got one hell of a voice" Mandy
comments the smile on her face growing bigger as the girls cheeks turned red "god knows what you could do if you used to more" Mandy shakes her head and puts the cigarette out on the side of the hand dryer

The girl gave her a genuine smile and walked into an open stall. with that Mandy grabbed her bag and walked out of the girls room only to be met with a sticky sweet substance to the face and chest

"The fuck is wrong with you!" she spits coldly as she looks up, she's met with bulging eyes and the pale face of someone familiar.


"Oh you are such a dick!" she scoffs bitterly and points a finger at his chest. "here i thought your little grudge was gone from middle school, it's been 3 years grow the fuck up" she spits pushing his shoulders against the side of a locker before storming away

Ranboo just stood there silent, he blinked before gritting his teeth and marching in the opposite direction of Mandy

Mandy growled as she grabbed her jacket from her locker and walked back into the girls room. she looks at her completely soaked white shirt, well it wasn't white anymore the sticky substance had a red color to it and it looks like she had just murdered a teletubby. her tan bra made an apparent appearance and she scowled at the shirt.

washing the rest of what she presumes to be "big red" off of her exposed neck, she hisses as a jolt of pain ran through the side of her neck. hesitantly she moved her hair and found two yellow bruises on her neck

"fuck" she curses moving her hair back in front of the marks. tears started to well up in her eyes

as the tardy bell rang for second period,
she sniffs and wipes her eyes. she walks out more hesitantly this time and strides to her physics class. opening the door she's met with stares and whispers, sulking into her seat she checks her phone for the first time all morning

Bex :P 2 missed messages

Mom 1 missed message

Hayden <3 4 missed messages

with a sigh she clicks on her moms notification


Madeline, pick up your brother after school. I won't be home for a while. money and car keys are left
on the counter.

she furrows her eyebrows before messaging back

i have volleyball.

i don't care.

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