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"don't worry! i won't tell anyone! i have my own faceless friend, i'm gabby martinez by the way" she sticks her hand out and mandy shakes it

"Maggie" she shakes

Mandy wasn't stupid. she knew not to tell her-her real name, she knew that she would talk to the guys about this encounter.

bill looks at the girl nervously before getting up to pay

they walk out of the store and Bill snorts

"smart move" he nods as they get into the car

"yeah, where to next?" she asks and bill rolls his eyes

"you'll see" he says with fake frustration and ushers for her to hook her phone up

"don't make me regret your DJ power" he glares and Mandy snorts

"one of my viewers wanted me to learn this song" she says distractedly, putting on Enchanted by Taylor Swift

"oh, andy you know how i love taylor swift" he scoffs and turns the volume up making Mandy laugh

there i was again tonight, forcing smiles...

Mandy looks at her phones hesitantly "i like it" she nods a tight smile on her lips

"yeah, rather lovely song, play what you used to in high school" he taps her shoulder and she snickers

putting on seether, they jam out to 'rise above this' until their pulling up into downtown

"okay so, Aimsey and a couple of her friends are here: making sure none of them are revolving the boys" he sticks his pointer up as Mandy opens her mouth

Bill takes a breath in but Mandy speaks up

"you know you don't have to do that, i can hang out with people who know them, just not...them" she explains

"i can put up the maggie act around other people, but with the guys it's too risky" she shrugs and bill looks at her quizzically

"tell me again why you won't talk to them?" he asks his eyebrows furrowed

Mandy shrugs and looks out the windshield

bill purses his lips "Well then, lets go" he smiles and Mandy gets out of the car putting her mask on. walking along the pavement, bill tells her to stop so he could get an after picture.

The pandemic happened around a year and a half ago, the vaccines were out and majority of people had them, Mandy just wore a mask because she was faceless. She had all the vaccines and didn't catch covid once. she just didn't want to face herself yet.

Mandy follows bill into a local pub where some british rap was blaring rather loudly, Mandy got a notification from her phone


Billzo mentioned you in a tweet!

@magdalene before and aft...

clicking on the tweet she smiles


i am just a phenomenal hairstylist

@Magdalene i am just a phenomenal hairstylist

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