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Mandy takes a deep breath before hesitantly lifting her hand to knock, only for it to open and for her to be pulled into the flat

"what the-" but she was shushed by no other than Wilbur

she glares at him and he takes his finger away from his mouth

"why did you leave me on read?" he glares and she rolls her eyes

"Well excuse me for not wanting to interact with someone who sends an ominous message. how did you even get my phone number?" she questions and wilbur shakes his head

"not the point, what are you doing here?" he asks and Mandy scoffs

"hanging out with Niki, why else?" she asks and wilbur raises an eyebrow

"You tell me." he narrowed his eyes, his words were cold and protective .

"i don't know what you have against me but that all happened in high school" she brings her voice low and wilbur chuckles bitterly

"yeah and they still talk about you to this day. I don't want you to run out on them like you did back then" he says. the tension in the air was visible.

"last time i checked they were the ones who left. not me. i wanted them to stay" she spits

"yeah is that why you moved to your dads? is that why you told them to move on?" he asks and Mandy was getting angrier by the second

"you don't know the whole fucking story. so next time you wanna start coming for my throat get your fucking facts right" she glares and points a finger to his chest.

"i know enough" he scoffs and Mandy's blood runs cold

"No. you know what they have told you, you don't know my life story because some of it i haven't even told them. so stop." she bites out and walks to the living room

"Maggie!" Niki cheers and everyone whoops and claps

"thank you thank you, i was expecting a red carpet but this should do" she says sarcastically as niki goes to hug her

"sorry for not coming with you guys to the pub, i was swamped with Uni work" mandy chuckles lightly and they all dismiss it

"it's alright, what are you studying?" Jack asks and Mandy smiles as she takes her shoes off and places them out of the way

"psychology, wanting to be a child therapist" Mandy nods as she sits in the corner of the L couch

"oh Maggie, we all have our shots you can take your mask off" Tubbo speaks up and Mandy blinks

"Tubbo she's faceless" Ranboo mutters and Tubbos eyes go wide

"shit i am so sorry, i didn't know" he laughs and mandy follows

"it's okay! thank you for the offer though" she nods and Tubbo smiles

"who has seen your face?" Niki asks sitting down on a bar stool

"just Bill and Amy" she shrugs and Ranboo scoffs with amusement

"I don't think I could've done that for that long. you really haven't let anyone else see?" he asks his own mask moving up and down

"yeah, well i've known bill and aimsey since before i was a streamer so really i haven't told anyone if you think about it" Mandy explains and ranboo looks at her in surprise

"well damn now i feel like i should've waited" he laughs and mandy snorts

"yeah, i was completely faceless for about a year then i started making videos with glasses and a mask, and just recently with just a mask and no glasses or with tinted glasses" she explains and Ranboo nods

They all get into conversation, Mandy was having a fantastic time, laughing, being loud, the person she missed in herself was coming out. and she couldn't be any happier

"you know you sound really familiar" Tubbo points out and Mandy's blood goes cold

"oh yeah? Do I sound like a celebrity or something?" she chuckles and Tubbo shakes his head chuckling

"far from it, you sound like my old high school best friend, her name was Mandy" Mandy smiles

"i hope that's a good thing" she laughs nervously and the group chuckles

"trust me it is, these guys won't shut up about her and it's been what? 5 years? since they've last seen her" Gabby speaks up

"i wish i could've met her" gabby's smile dims a little and Mandy's heart wrenches

she just wanted to rip the mask off and show everyone, but that would cause a lot more problems then fix.

" Ranboo had the hots for her" Tommy nudges Ranboos arm who glares at him

"thanks" Ranboo says sarcastically making Tommy laugh

Mandy felt herself flush. she knew Ranboo liked her back in high school, but hearing them say it made her a lot more nervous

"Maggie, can I talk to you for a second?" Wilbur asks and the rest of the crowd "oohs" like she's just been sent to the principal's office

she flips them off but gets off the couch and follows wilbur into a hallway

"you need to tell them" Wilbur says abruptly and Mandy snorts

"I'm not telling shit. you saw how hurt they looked, if i were to just rip my mask off and be like "hey i'm the girl who you were in love with in high school" that would start a lot more problems than fix." she explains and Wilbur shakes his head

"No, you need to tell them. I'm giving you a week. if you don't tell them i will" he glares and Mandy scoffs

"you're shitting me right? you're joking. you can't just do that Will!" Mandy was pissed. who did this guy think he was?

"I'm looking out for tommy. So it's either you tell him, or you never speak to him again, got it?" he states coldly and Mandy felt herself holding back everything to not punch this guy

"are you not listening to me?" she asks but was cut off

"loud and clear. now tell Tommy or get out" his stare was frightening it bore straight through her and she found herself giving him the same stare back, she was fuming, she didn't even know this guy, who is he to talk to her like this?

"go fuck yourself" she spits before walking to her shoes and putting them on

"sorry i have to go" she says before she was out the door and in the elevator

"what the fuck?" Tommy asks as the door closes

then out of the corner of his eye he sees Will with a solemn expression on his face, his hair looked like he had been combing through it with his fingers. the man just looked like shit

"what happened?" Ranboo asks from beside Tommy and Tommy nods

"It's not important" Wilbur shakes his head. Tommy was about to object when Wilbur shot him a glance

"Tommy. it's not important" he says and Tommy grumbles

"well sorry" he says and everyone chuckles

"what movie are we watching?" Tubbo asks and Niki smiles


"oh bloody hell not this fucking movie" Tommy groans making Tubbo and Ranboo laugh

"Tiddy baby" Tubbo snorts and the three boys go into hysterics.

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