Bad Luck

120 17 16

This story takes place after the war.

The day had not gone as well as he had hoped. His alarm didn't go off, which made him an hour late for work. The leg of his desk chair broke, and he had to mend it, scratching his wand in the process, so he had to take the wand in to be repaired, which put him behind on his reports, which gave him a tongue-lashing from his department head, which put him running too late for his appointment with the healers for his yearly check-up, who then made him wait for an hour in the waiting room, making him miss lunch, which made him hungry, tired and extremely irritable. To top it all off, he was reminded about the Weasley Brides Home-cooked Dinner Party.

Oh joy.

Being late, He rushed even faster, and accidentally took the Floo to Andromeda's home. After too many minutes of apologizing and of course, convincing a tearful Teddy he couldn't stay, he was able to get through the proper floo and walked into chaos.

Flour was rising in a mysterious cloud from the far end of the kitchen, barely hiding Audrey. Fleur was pushing Ginny aside, so she could use the whole cook-top for her pots. Hermione and Ginny were arguing about careful measuring vs guesstimating and tossing. All he could see of Angelina was her backside, as she was kneeling deep within the cooler.

Seeing how the room was so loud, and no one seemed to notice he had arrived, he decided the safest thing to do was to sneak out as fast as he could. Just before he apparated away, Angelina poked her head out of the fridge, nodded and grimaced at him as if to say- Get out while you can!

He apparated into his blissfully silent bedroom upstairs. Unfortunately, He had forgotten to put his dressing gown away this morning and he had landed on it with his feet thoroughly entangled. It took a fall and a painful bump on his forehead.

'Ok, Calm down. Breathe. Not everything today will go wrong.' He said to himself, as he walked right into the door frame, knocking his glasses askew and giving his nose a strong nudge to the right.

When he stopped seeing stars, he stumbled into the shower, forgetting to take off his glasses. In the steamy bathroom, he reached for his wand to dry the glasses and the mirror, just to stick the end of the blasted thing in his left eye. Thoughtfully avoiding a shave, he dressed carefully in simple jeans and a tee. It took him about four steps to realize his shirt felt weird, because it was backwards. Bedroom slippers seemed the safest choice when it came to footwear, until he found the remains of a mouse stuck in the toe of the right one. Yes, Hermione's cat has struck again. Fine! He will just wear his socks. What could go wrong with that? Four more steps later, his little toe formed a shocking relationship with the leg of the bedside table.

When the pain subsided enough, He crept very slowly towards the other side of the room, to where he had kicked off his work boots. He'll put them on very carefully, checking for foreign objects first, and then see if he could leave the room before any other disaster can be diverted. He knew that all his brothers-in-law had to be downstairs by now. It was his duty to play the host.

His plan worked, at least until he was three steps from the bottom, his foot slipped, and he could feel his ankle twist in an un-natural manner.

Really? Hungry, Nose smarting, lump on his forehead, glasses smeared from being wet, left eye turning black, right toe pounding, now his left ankle is swelling up like a balloon. He was at rock bottom when it came to his luck today. What else could go wrong?

Uh oh. As soon as he thought it, he realized the jinx. It was just a matter of time before something else would happen. He could count on it.

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