All Of Him

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This story takes place after the war.

"You want to what?"

Hermione pursed her lips. They were sat at the breakfast table; Ron's hair was sticking up at all angles, and his eyes were tinged with sleepy-dust. Hermione didn't know what her own hair looked like, but it was probably a nightmare. Not that Ron ever complained. If anything, he liked her hair as messy as possible. Trying not to blush at the memory of the last time Ron had intentionally messed up her hair, Hermione cleared her throat and spoke again.

"I want to learn Occlumency."

"Are you insane?" Ron gasped. "Wait...of course you're Hermione. But still..."


"You do remember how bad Harry got when he was learning it from Snape, right?"

Hermione bit her lip. Of course she knew, but that had been different. Harry's Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape hadn't worked properly because: a) Harry already had angry emotions about the potions master, so he couldn't clear his mind. And b) Harry didn't understand why he had to close his mind, or how he could do it.

But this would be different.

"Ron, it won't be like that!" she spat, irritably. "I don't have angry emotions directed at you..."

"Have you forgotten our entire shared history?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at her husband, and continued as if he hadn't interrupted.

''We have a great interpersonal relationship compared with Harry and Professor Snape. And, unlike Harry, I know how I need to close my mind off."

Ron frowned. Hermione could see him inwardly trying to find some fault in her argument. It was one of the things she liked best about him.

He had always been the only person around her who would actually argue back. Growing up, the other children at her primary school had avoided her, calling her 'bossy' and 'annoying'. The students at Hogwarts hadn't been much better; Lavender and Parvati developed a habit of deliberately shutting themselves out of conversations with her, as if they couldn't handle how much she was prepared to talk. Even Harry wasn't great at it. All too often, she saw the look in his eyes saying 'oh here she goes again…' before just agreeing with her in an effort to stop the argument.

But Ron- he argued back. He didn't take it for granted that she knew more about a given subject, even though she often did. The youngest Weasley boy wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do some mental sparring with her. He didn't find her annoying or bossy. He liked her, no, loved her, just the way she was, argumentative side and all. And she loved him all the more for it.

Eventually, Ron's brow relaxed.

"Okay, fine."

They returned to eating in companionable silence, Ron absentmindedly rubbing a hand against his morning stubble.

Ron gulped down the last of his morning pumpkin juice, and moved his empty bowl and cup over to the sink.

"We can start some Occlumency practice after we're up and dressed," he said, as he began to pour hot water in the washing-up bowl. "Might as well start today, since we're both off work."

Hermione grinned. "I'd like that."

Several hours later, Ron had joined Hermione in her study. Hermione removed all damageable goods from the room, and brought a pensieve out from a cabinet downstairs. The pensieve was a little different to the ones she had seen in the past- it had been given to her as a wedding present from Mrs. Weasley. According to the redheaded matriarch, it was based more around emotions than most pensieves, which usually just showcased memories.

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