21 Years | Tom x Intern!Reader

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Quick authors note:

I used to have another smut story but Wattpad removed it when it had over 100,000 reads. I was so mad and they did nothing to help or answer my questions. So, needless to say, it was really discouraging but I finally decided to write this one and try again. So I'm really glad that some people have started to read it.

Also, this one is much longer than my other ones, so buckle up kiddos. We get a nice exposition and a love confession. This one is also going to be more 'vanilla'

Thank you
"Anything else you need, sir?" I asked, as part of my normal day.

He gave me this surprised and confused look from over the rim of his mug.

"Y/n what's with the formalities, it's just Tom." He said. He being the famous Tom Hiddleston.

"Yeah I know," I laughed, "just wanted to see how you'd react." I said, with a dorky smile on my face.

"I consider us friends, Y/n, even if you are an 'intern' or whatever." He said while waving his hand in the air at the intern word.

"Me too, you help me with certain things without being a dick about it. I ask for advice and you don't talk down to me like I'm a child. Everyone else treats me like I'm an idiot." I huffed, it was true, I had considered us friends and he was actually helpful.

"You are technically an adult, miss Y/n."

"Ew don't call me that, and yes, I am 19. Technically an adult. Though I don't feel like it."

"Nobody feels like an adult. It's just a construct based around numbers." He said, and I knew he thought like that, he'd mentioned it before.

We had a good relationship as friends, I always teased him about being 'sir' or 'Mr. Hiddleston' which he found disturbing. He doesn't see himself as above anyone else, not a sir or a Mr.

"Can you grab me a coffee, y/n?" He asked and handed me his now empty mug from the other side of his desk.

"Oh, coffee? Daring today, aren't we?" I teased, alluding to the British stereotype.

But he did always drink tea.

He gave me a joking glare and then we both laughed as I left his office area. As I make my way toward the kitchen, I do my signature inner monologue. Don't ask, it just kinda happens sometimes.

I had been a fan of Tom since I was about 18 and however many months. I was usually not the kind of girl to have or understand celebrity crushes. Until him, well more specifically, Loki. But I started to become a fan and realized he was an excellent actor and seemed like a sincere person. I wasn't delusional, I knew my feelings were surface level. I never really became obsessed, but I did often think about how cool it would be to either be him or be with him.

That being said, I'm not obsessed. I'm very pessimistic naturally, so I knew it could all be an act and I would never ever meet him.

Until my attempts to the celebrity world paid off and I was to shadow or intern for a celebrity to get my foot in the door. I had always wanted to be in a band, singing. Even acting, or just management would be fine. I had always dreamed of stardom, but I knew it wasn't going to be all perfect.

A couple days ago, I had come to terms. I had feelings for Tom Hiddleston, my superior of 21 years. I was in deep shit. He was kind, honest, and thoughtful effortlessly. He was almost exactly how I imagined him to be in real life, which was bad news. It would almost be easier if I wasn't very fond of him.

When I snapped out of my inner thoughts, the coffee was already brewed. I poured both him and me a mug, both black. When I tell people I drink my hot coffee black, they normally look at me like I grew another head. Tom is actually the same way, which had surprised me that he even drank coffee.

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