✨The Beauty Within✨

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They sing
They sing of us
I sit alone on a bus
Looking out the windowsill
You don't know how much I'd kill
Because at the end of the day will you rhyme
To keep in tune with all this crime
It's all a great prevail
At the end of the day
Are we really we the people?
If every time I talk I'm dismissed
Do you really think trust is amist?
If I can't see fit in my own clothes
And I've grown enough to feel loathe
If a star spangled banner is lifted high
Down to earth I fall from the sky
Away from the protection of our nation
A terrible, unrueful creation
For rights are gone
For two boys to simply fawn
For a lovely couple to be unwanted
For they'd awl ways be taunted
To be two of the same gender
Is not a wrong or a conversation ender
We should have our rights
We hold our pride high.
We can't control who we choose to love
Our sign is supposed to be a peaceful dove
Yet in a place where peace is needed
We've found out that we've been leaded
To the slaughter
As if we're a bunch of cows
If only you could see the beauty within...

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