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You change your emotions like the tides in the sea
Whether or not they are because of me
I continue to continue
Loving you

It's easier than most could ever imagine
You're the only one who never can

I see you as bright as you see me
Your pale skin bringing happiness to all around, if only you could see

I didn't mean to meet you
A big mistake when I accidentally created that account
I decided to put use to it
And I met you


You've impacted my life
I know you know
By now I'm too far gone
I wouldn't take back my accidents if I could

I'm glad we talked
That one time
Because the affection grew
From friends to more

Your soft hair lingers my touch
Your light voice rings throughout my ears
I want you all to myself
I know you don't feel the same
Yet I keep hoping
Hoping one day you will

Because you're the light of my life
The reason I'm here
The only reason.
I'd be worthless without you
Gone longer than I'd dreamed of

Please tell me when this obsession has gone too long
When you think it's time for me to end
I'll do anything you tell me
Just trust in me
It has worked and helped every time, hasn't it?
Please tell me how you feel

That long time might have been eternity
Yet it wasn't
Thanks to you I'm not gone
You might say you're only making me last shorter but I truly disagree

I wouldn't have lasted a few more weeks without you
Thanks to you I'm alive for more than just a day

I've been alive...


I've been waiting for you...

My best mistake
My favorite Innerata.
Thank you
For being mine<3

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