Chapter 12

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Joe's POV

The next day, I woke up, before everyone. I showered and went for a run on the beach. I had a lot to think about. This bullshit with Jason, was actually getting to me. I can't help I love women, and they love me. I can't help I love fucking, and women love fucking me. It just so happens that sometimes Jason knows them. What I do with his women are really things they wanted to do with me anyway. It's not my fault, so he needs to get over it. Taylor wanted me, Megan wanted me, and all the others wanted me. I just gave them what they wanted. Jason just got caught in the crossfire. I always excused it for him, so he wouldn't feel bad. What more could I do?

After my run, I came home, showered, and laid next to Asia in bed.

"How do you feel this morning?" She asks

"I don't know. I have all types of emotions going on. It's hard to explain."

"Do you feel bad?" She asks

"A little." I say

"Well, I think now is the time for you to try to put your feelings and emotions into words because I really want you to talk to Jason. I really would like for you guys to work this out. I know all of this is bigger than me and it does not stem from me, but I didn't help the situation. I'm really sorry that I did this to you. After you get everything straight with him, I think we should talk and get things straight with us because we have a lot of issues that we both don't address and we just keep going with those issues being unresolved. We both have a lot of resentment. Mine being with you, and yours being with everyone on the earth." She laughs, "But I want to help you and you know I love you. I just want you to be better. So you're not so mean all the time."

"I know and I love that you want to help me. I've never had anyone, other than my sister, really take the time to try to figure me out."

"Joey, I want us to work this out and I also want things as far as our relationship goes, to get better."

"What relationship?" I say. We were having a good conversation and she just had to use the word relationship.

She rolls her eyes, and sighs. "I had the good Joe for all of 10 seconds, now it's back to the asshole Joe." She says

"Stop using that word." I say

"I think what you need to do is stop and think about what you really want with me. You keep me here but you don't want to make me yours. I don't understand. I've consistently been here, dealing with your mood swings, your indecisiveness, your disrespect towards women and your attitude. You think someone would want to deal with that? Especially as long as I have. Hell no!"

"Asia, you know I'm grateful for you and I don't want you to go anywhere. You've gotten further than any woman I've dealt with."

"Well Joe, if you want to keep me, I have some demands." She says, and I just look at her like she's crazy.

"Demands? Like what? I don't have time for this. I have to deal with this bullshit with my brother..." I say trying to avoid this conversation, hoping she'd let up.

"I want us to be exclusive. That means no having sex with anyone else, being with only me. Also, I want you to meet my son." She says

"But do a really want that?" I say, "That's a big step."

"You don't want me to leave." She says

I laugh, "You're not going anywhere. Why do you always do this and at the wrong time? Chill."

"Joe, I'm serious. I'll leave if I have to. I don't feel like I'm a major part of your life. I don't know your family, except for Jason, and I met him by accident. I want to be your girlfriend. I've been here for almost two and a half years."

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