♛Chapter 1♛

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A red and silver-colored Decepticon hides behind a piece of rubble inside of a large, broken-down Autobot installation, her visor and a mask covering her face.

"Astrafrost, Autobot reinforcements 10 clicks of your position." Soundwave's robotic voice came over the coms. "Where are Starscream and the rest of his seekers? Weren't they suppose to deal with the reinforcements?" She whispered. 

"On their way. Proceed with your mission- beware of the Guardian." The coms went quiet, and Astrafrost stood up and started to move deeper into the installation, being as quick and quiet as she could. In the Decepticon ranks, her nickname was 'Red Shadow' for how quick and stealthily she could be.

As she went over a crumbling scaffolding that was above a dark abyss, a piece of it fell off and tumbled to the abyss below, causing Astrafrost to lose her footing, but she caught the railing and pulled herself back up again, and stared down at the abyss. She couldn't see all the way down.

What's down there?  She wondered to herself, though she already knew the answer. The Guardian. Her legs nearly locked up in fright just thinking about him.

She had heard stories of the mighty Omega Supreme, how he crushed Decepticons troops like they were nothing. Astrafrost hoped she didn't cross paths with him, for if he could crush legions, what problem does he have with her?

Astrafrost quickly ran across the scaffolding, careful not to lose her footing again, and landed on the ground. She walked to the large metal doors in front of her, prying them open when the ground started to shake.

She released the doors, and turned around, staring at the abyss that was below the scaffolding. "Autobot signal coming towards you." Soundwave's voice came back over the coms and Astrafrost activated her wrist blades.

A giant face emerge from the abyss and Astrafrost felt her leg joints lock up with pure fear.

'The Guardian...'

"Soundwave, I need some reinforcements here, immediately!" She shouted into the coms. "Most of them are dealing with the Autobots currently, I'll send whoever remains to your coordinates," Soundwave responds. "Will it be enough to deal with Omega Supreme?" She asked, desperation echoing through her voice, even though she already knew the answer.

"I'll alert Lord Megatron. Until then, do not engage the Guardian. Take cover." The coms go quiet again as Omega Supreme looked over at Astrafrost.

"Identification: Decepticon. Recommended course of action: termination." Omega Supreme's booming voice sounded, and Astrafrost ran back over to the metal doors, prying them open, and fell over to the other side, letting the doors snap-close as Omega Supreme fired his first volley of missiles at her.

It resulted in an explosion blowing Astrafrost back, a large piece of the metal door landing on her leg. She quickly pulled her leg out from under it and limped away.

"Astrafrost, report your position." A growling voice came on over the coms. It wasn't Soundwave, but instead Megatron, leader of the Decepticons.

"I'm about 20 clicks deep into the Autobot installation. I ran into the Guardian, and had to retreat further into the installation." Astrafrost responded, wincing as she walked forward.

"Are you injured?"

Astrafrost heard a slightly concerned tone in his voice. "Only my leg. I can still walk on it." Astrafrost deactivated her visor and mask. "I'll arrive shortly."

"With all due respect, Omega Supreme has crushed entire legions at a time. What chance do you have against him?" Astrafrost asked.

"You would be wise not to doubt me. I am a gladiator of the Pits of Kaon. No opponent shall stand in my way."

The coms go quiet again and Astrafrost activated her visor and mask again, limping back over to where the metal doors used to stand, hiding in the rubble.

She peered out, observing Omega Supreme and his movements. Currently, he seemed to be scanning, likely for Astrafrost or other Decepticons.

"Omega lost their signal!" She suddenly heard a voice call out. 'The reinforcements are already here? Could Starscream and his seekers not keep them away any longer?'

"Search the area!" Another voice shouted back in response, and Astrafrost peered out slightly, seeing several Autobots. Omega Supreme ignored them- looking at them briefly before returning his attention to scanning.

Astrafrost shifted slightly, careful not to put weight on her injured leg, but this caused the rubble to shift slightly as well, catching the Autobot's attention. "Over there!"

Astrafrost, having no other choice, promptly stood up and started to retreat further into the installation, transforming into her alt form and flying away, the Autobots following her.

She spotted a high ledge and flew up there, transforming back into her bipedal mode, watching the Autobots from above. A sharp pain went through her leg and she winced.

The Autobots below stared up at her for a few moments, before one, a red-colored one, pulled out his blaster and started to shoot away at the ledge. The ledge below her feet began to crack and crumble away, causing Astrafrost to fall off. Another sharp spike of pain went through her leg, causing her vision to blur momentarily, before she crashed into the ground, causing the world around her to go black.


Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes

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