♛Chapter 6♛

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She stood up, thanking Ratchet, before walking out of the building, back to Jazz, who was still waiting for her outside, but now he was chatting with a red and white colored bot, who had red markings under his optics. 

She walked up to them. "Surprised you waited for me." She joked and to her surprise, Jazz smiled slightly. "Yep. Anyways, Astrafrost, meet Drift. Drift, meet Astrafrost." Drift extended his servo. "Pleasure to meet you." Astrafrost shook his servo. "Nice to meet you as well. Are you the other former Decepticon that joined the Autobots?" She asked quickly.

Drift froze for a few seconds, before responding. "Yes. It is good to see I am not the only one." He looked up at Astrafrost, his crystal blue eyes boring into her red ones. "Have you looked around Iacon yet?" Astrafrost shook her helm. "Not yet. I went here to get my symbol changed- I was going to tour around the city when I was done."

"If you'd like, I could show you around." Drift offered, and Astrafrost quickly nodded. "Ok, sure." Jazz started to walk away. "Well, guess you won't need me anymore to show you around. See you later." 

"Ok... see you later, I guess?" Astrafrost said, and Jazz transformed, driving off. She started to walk alongside Drift through the city.

They walk in silence for a while, before Astrafrost couldn't take it anymore. "Why did you leave?" She finally blurted, and Drift glanced over at her.

"Same reason you did: I realized the truth. Megatron is a tyrant, and no longer has the best interest of Cybertron." Drift responded, continuing to walk forward at a fast rate. Astrafrost nodded, staring at the two blades, currently inside scabbards, attached to his hip joints.

"I feel like I should have know you, especially if you abandoned the Decepticon cause..." Astrafrost said. Drift laughed slightly. "I've changed my name and appearance quite a lot when I left the cause." Astrafrost stared at him for a little, when something clicked in her mind.

"Deadlock!" She exclaimed, and Drift flinched. "Please, don't call me that, ever again." He said quietly. "Sorry," She apologize quickly. "Its just... that's why I haven't heard about you! I mean, I have heard about you, by the name of Deadlock, but not by the name of Drift." Drift nodded sadly. 

"Yes. I assume Megatron was furious." Drift said, and Astrafrost smiled. "'Furious' is an understatement." Drift laughed, his crystal blue optics twinkling. "Seriously?"

"Oh, you have no idea. Most of the Decepticons kind of avoided the command area for a few cycles." 

Drift's laughter slowly died away, and he cleared his voice box. "Anyways, this is suppose to be a tour. Come on, I'll show you around some more."

Drift showed her around Iacon, pointing out important buildings. Astrafrost paided attention closely, admiring the architecture of the beautiful city. 

Finally, after a little while, Drift had shown Astrafrost around the entire city.

"...so that's about everything." Drift said. "Thanks, Drift, for showing me around." Astrafrost said happily, still staring at the golden skyscrapers surrounding them. Drift smiled. "Anytime."

Astrafrost transformed, flying away, back to the observatory where Optimus was. This time, he wasn't staring at the sickened sky, but instead at the data pad he clutched in his servos. Astrafrost landed and transformed back in front of him, and Optimus looked up.

"How did it go?" He asked, and Astrafrost nodded. "Well. Ratchet was.. nice." Optimus looked back down at his data pad. "Ratchet will come around eventually. They all will. But, trust is built over time." 

Astrafrost sighed sadly, staring up at the greenish- grey sky. Optimus mirrored her. "Once we find the Allspark, and restore Cybertron, this endless war will finally be over, and we can return to our normal lives." Astrafrost laughed quietly. "'Normal.' As if anything could be 'normal' after this. Cybertron won't be the same anymore." 

Optimus nodded sadly. "True." They stood in silence for a while, before Optimus turned, and started to walk away. "I have duties I must attend to. You may stay up here as long as you would like." Optimus disappeared through the doors, leaving Astrafrost by herself.

'Will this war ever end?' 


I'm sorry for the short chapter.

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