♛Chapter 5♛

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Astrafrost shook Optimus's servo. "Thank you, sir." Optimus looked at the Decepticon logo on her shoulder. "Jazz, take Astrafrost to Ratchet. Afterwards, Astrafrost, you may explore Iacon a little more." Jazz sighed, obviously unhappy that he had to spend more time around Astrafrost. "Fine."


As they walk down the busy street of Iacon, Astrafrost looked around, and spotted a large dome in the distance. "Hey, Jazz?" Jazz looked over at her. "Hm?"

"What is that dome in the distance?" She asked. "What do you think it is?" She paused for a moment, trying to remember. "The Great Dome!" She exclaimed, suddenly remembering. 

"And circle gets the square." Jazz replied sarcastically and continued to walk forward, Astrafrost following him. 


They finally reach an small building, which, compared to the rest of the city, looked in very good condition. Jazz knocked on the door, and a orange and white colored bot opened it. "Ah, Jazz. Can I help you with something?"

"Nothing for me Ratchet, its for her." Jazz said, gesturing to Astrafrost. Ratchet noticed her Decepticon logo, narrowing his optics. "And what services do I need to provide to this Decepticon."

"Ratchet, she with us now. We just need you to change her logo." Jazz responded calmly. Ratchet remained unconvinced. "How do you know she isn't lying? How do you know she isn't tricking us to believe she's really with us, only for her to go back to the Decepticons, and report to Megatron all the information she's gathered?" 

"Do you really think Optimus would have approved her to become one of us if he thought she was lying?" Jazz shot back. "I hate to say this, but what is Optimus was wrong?"

Jazz didn't respond for a little. "Optimus wouldn't make reckless decisions like letting a Decepticon join the Autobots if he wasn't a 100% certain. Beside, this isn't out of the ordinary. Drift also defectived from the cons." 

Astrafrost, who was standing awkwardly in the middle, suddenly perked up at the mention of this. 'There's another one who defectived from the Decepticons? How come I never heard of him?' She thought to herself. Surely she would have heard something like this happening. Or maybe that was another thing Megatron hid. 

Ratchet shook his helm. "Fine, I'll do it." He looked over at Astrafrost, gesturing her inside. She walked inside, looking around the place. 

It seemed like a medic's office- medical supplies neatly organized on a counter, data pads full of information carefully stacked. Ratchet pointed to a chair. "Sit. I just need to gather some supplies quickly, and I'll be right over." He went away to do that as Astrafrost sat down. 

Ratchet came back with the necessary tools, pulled up another chair beside Astrafrost's, and sat down. "I'm going to put you in stasis, so you don't feel the pain." Astrafrost nods.

While in stasis, Astrafrost found herself in another one of her memories. 


Astrafrost stands in front of a large crowd, watching one of Megatron's speeches. This was a little before the war started. 

He finally ended his speech, and the crowd cheered so loudly, Astrafrost had to turn off her audio receptors momentarily. Megatron walked away, but the crowd stayed, chatting with one another. Astrafrost turned to leave, but spotted a neon pink and rose colored bot, her rosy optics twinkling with amazement. She saw a few bots staring at her with disgust, and one approached her.

"You around from here?" He asked her, and she shook her helm. "No, I'm from Iacon."  She responded, and the bot sneered. "And what are you doing so far away from home?" She looked around nervously. "Well, um, the same thing as you: to come and see Megatron." She backed away from the bot. A few of his cronies came and backed him up. 

Astrafrost rolled her optics, walking up to them. "Back off." She spat at the bots. The first bot, the 'leader' of them laughed. The neon pink and rose colored bot suddenly leaped at him, kicking him in the knee joints, making him fall over. 

She landed behind his cronies, hitting one between the shoulder blades, paralyzing him momentarily. She quickly did the same to the others. 

Astrafrost stood there, in a state of shock. The bot brushed herself off, before walking over to Astrafrost. "Thanks for standing up for me, but I can handle myself. Wouldn't have come down to Kaon if I couldn't." Astrafrost stared at her. "Where did you learn those moves?" She asked, and the bot laughed.

"Learned them myself." She extended a servo. "I'm Rosebolt by the way. And your..." 

"My name is Astrafrost." She shook Rosebolt's servo. "You from here?" Rosebolt asked Astrafrost, and she nodded her helm. "Yep." Rosebolt tilted her helm slightly. "Huh. From the looks of you, I would have guessed your from Vos." Astrafrost laughed, something she rarely did.

"I'm flattered, but no. I've always been a Kaonian."

They stayed quiet for a little. "So... what's Iacon like?" She asked Rosebolt, who widened her roseate optics. "You seriously don't know?" Astrafrost shook her helm sadly. "No. I haven't been outside of Kaon a lot." Rosebolt stared at the ground. "Oh.... well if you want, I can take you."

Astrafrost's optics light up. "Seriously?!" Rosebolt laughed and nodded. "Yes!" She exclaimed, before calming herself. "Would you like to go now?" Rosebolt asked, and she nodded. Rosebolt transformed. "Then let's go!"

Astrafrost emerged from stasis, Ratchet putting away his supplies. She gazed down at the Autobot symbol now engraved on her shoulder and grinned.


𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora