♛Chapter 7♛

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The next few cycles went by uneventfully- Astrafrost simply looking around the city even more, ignoring the hateful glares of the other Autobots.

She remembered her first time visiting Iacon- back before the war, when the city's skyscrapers were still a shimmering gold color and seemly untouched.


Rosebolt and Astrafrost walk side by side to the entrance of the mighty city. Astrafrost stood at the entrance, her mouth slightly agape as she stares at the city. She had seen Iacon before- but only in news feeds and data pads.

Rosebolt laughed. "Would you like to go inside the city, or do you just want to stand in the entrance staring?" Astrafrost shook herself out of it.

She walked inside the city, her optics twinkling. Kaon was nothing compared to this. Rosebolt took her servo. "Come on! There is so much I need to show you!" She practically dragged Astrafrost along, pointing out different tourist attractions and such.

Astrafrost suddenly stopped, seeing something that caught her interest. "Hey, Rosebolt? What is that called?" She asked, pointing to a bridge that was above a large pool of enegron. Surround the bridge and the large pool of enegron, were massive statues of bots that Astrafrost didn't recognize.

"Oh, that's just the memorial of the Primes. That use to be a pretty major tourist attraction, but they closed it down for renovations." Rosebolt responded, and Astrafrost pointed to the largest statue, which was in the middle. "So, that must be Prima."

Rosebolt nodded. "That's what we think he looked like. There were no historical records that show how he actually looked like." Astrafrost nodded, and suddenly noticed something. "How come there are only 12 statue's? Weren't there thirteen Prime's?"

"Indeed, but we did not include the Fallen, for obvious reasons." Astrafrost stared at the statue of Prima. How great the Prime's once were: how powerful. Now, they are little more than myths.

Astrafrost didn't think the Prime's were myths, unlike many other bots. She did think they once existed, long ago.

"Come on Astrafrost, we need to keep going, I still need to show you a bunch of other places: including Maccadams."

"Maccadams?" Astrafrost repeated, and Rosebolt nodded. "Best enegron on Cybertron- come on, I'll take you there now."

They arrive at Maccadams, and push past a crowd of chatting bots, up to the front, where a large bot was working at, preparing enegron. He turned, spotting Astrafrost and Rosebolt.

"Ah, Rosebolt. Good to see you. I see you brought the Kaonian gladiator with you." Astrafrost froze. "How did you know that?"

Rosebolt shook her helm. "Maccadam knows everything." Maccadam simply laughed, before sliding them both mugs of enegron. "On the house."

"Thanks, Mac." Rosebolt and Astrafrost both drank the enegron quickly. When they were finished, Maccadam grabbed their mugs. "I've seen you fight before, on the news feed. That is how I know you."

"Oh..." Astrafrost stared down at the table. "I really don't care that you are- your welcome anytime." Astrafrost looked back up, smiling at the large bot.

It felt nice to be treated like a Cybertronian.

~End flashback~

'Astrafrost,' Optimus's voice came over the coms, shaking Astrafrost out of her memory. 'Report to the observatory.'

Astrafrost transformed, and flew to the observatory. On her way there, she spotted the Prime's memorial- now it ruins. The energon was drained from the pool, the bridge collapsed, and the statue's laid in pieces.

She got to the observatory, transforming on the balcony that Optimus stood on. Standing beside him were Drift and Jazz, both looking unhappy to be around each other, for some reason. "Sir." She stood at attention.

"I have called you here because we make have discovered the location of the Allspark." Optimus said, and Astrafrost's optics light up. "That's wonderful! Where?"

"Inside the Sea of Rust." Astrafrost's optics dim. "In there?" Optimus nodded. "No Autobot has ever returned from there."

"But Decepticons have." Jazz spoke up. "We were hoping you and Drift knew how to navigate the terrain."

Astrafrost nodded. "I know how to, but I haven't tried, nor do I want to. Beside the only cons' to return were seekers, not ordinary Decepticons."

"We have to try anyways." Jazz responded.

Optimus transformed, and the other three follow his lead, and started to head to the Sea of Rust.

I had to edit this chapter a bit, Wattpad decided to delete the last bit of the chapter🤦‍♀️

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