♛Chapter 9♛

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Astrafrost stared at Megatron, whose red optics seemed to bore into her. "Nice to see you again, Red Shadow." He spat, making Astrafrost flinch slightly.

Optimus turned to her, discretely giving her the Allspark. "Go," He whispered. "We'll hold them off. You go back to Iacon, and protect the Allspark."

Astrafrost nodded, and transformed, flying as fast as she could. Megatron growled, gesturing to Starscream. "GO! Kill the traitor, and bring me the Allspark!" Starscream smirked, and transformed, flying after Astrafrost. 

She managed to evade his attacks for a little while. It was hard to: especially in the Sea of Rust, dodging the buildings and such. Even when they were out of the Sea of Rust, Astrafrost knew she couldn't keep it up- she was still worn out from the previous events. 

Thankfully, she was nearing Iacon.

A few Autobots patrolling the border of the city noticed Astrafrost and Starscream flying towards them and began to shoot at Starscream, who managed to elude their attacks a little before a blast hit his wing, and he went down.

Astrafrost landed in front of them, transforming back into her bot form, holding the Allspark close to her. They ushered her inside the city, a crowd of Autobots forming around her. 

Rathect pushed through the crowd, holding a first-aid kit in his servos, Red Alert by his side. "Astrafrost! Are you ok?" Red Alert asked, his voice full of concern. Astrafrost nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rathect noticed the Allspark in her arms, his optics widening.

"Is that... the Allspark?" 

"Yes, it is. And currently, Optimus, Drift, and Jazz are facing off against Megatron and lots of his cronies ALONE in the Sea of Rust, so I suggest we get a move on it."

A good deal of Autobots immediately transformed, and began to roll out, determined to help their leader and comrades. Some remained behind to guard Iacon, and a few remained standing there, whispering to one another.

Astrafrost turned to start heading back to the Sea of Rust herself, but Rathect stopped her. "No," He said. "Someone has to stay here and guard the Allspark, in case the Decepticons come here. We can't let them get it."

'Protect the Allspark.' Optimus's voice echoed through her head. Ratchet and Red Alert both transform. "Whoa, where are you two going?" She demanded.

"We're combat medics, remember?" Red Alert responded, and they both drive off. Astrafrost sighed, and turned, going deep into Iacon, holding the Allspark close to her.

She spotted a half-ruined golden balcony high on a gleaming building, and she transformed heading up to the balcony, and transformed back, perching on it.

She curled up in the corner of the half-ruined balcony, the Allspark glowing dimly in her servos. She ignored it, gazing at the Iacon. She liked the view from here: she could see all the city. The height didn't scare her, obviously.

After a while, Astrafrost's optics close, and the Allspark glowing brightly, as if it was a miniature star.

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