♛Chapter 10♛

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Megatron roared in anger, lunging at Astrafrost, knocking her into the ground so hard that she started to see doubles.

He aimed his fusion cannon at her, powering it up. "MEGATRON!!!" A red and blue colored blur knocked Megatron off balance.

Astrafrost laid there, unmoving. She could hear blaster fire and shouts all around her, and she wanted to help. But she couldn't move.

She slowly closed her optics, the sounds of battle fading away.


Astrafrost slowly opened her optics, the world around her coming back into focus.

She sat up quickly, Red Alert moving out of the way swiftly. "W-where am I?" She asked, looking around.

She spotted a giant golden ship, many Autobots moving crates inside of it. Optimus stood there, looking at his datapad, and giving orders to his Autobots.

"Your back in Iacon now: inside of of the hangers. Our engineers have been working for quite a while to fix up the Ark." Red Alert responded, gazing at the ship.

"The Ark... so we're going off-world? Why?"

"To find the Allspark."

Astrafrost looked at the ground. "Can't we just go through the space bridge?"

"The space bridge was destroyed in the battle. Thankfully, the Ark is fully operational. We taking a group of Autobots on board to search for the Allspark. The rest while remain behind to guard Cybertron."

"When are you guys going?"

"Immediately. We can let the Decepticons reach the Allspark first." Red Alert helped Astrafrost up. "And you're going with us."

"Wait, what? Really?!"

Red Alert nodded. "Yes. Now come on: we need to get going."

They went over to the Ark, the last of the crates being loaded into the Ark. The Autobots entered the Ark, including Astrafrost and Red Alert.

They went to the front of the ship, where many Autobots milled about, starting up the engines. Optimus sat in a chair that looked over the section, shouting out orders to the Autobots below.

The engines of the ship turned on fully, causing the Ark to shake. It almost knocked Astrafrost off balance, but Red Alert caught her arm.

The Ark moved out of the hanger and began to rise upwards, towards the sickened sky of Cybertron. Astrafrost pressed her face against the glass, watching as the ground got further and further away. She didn't want to leave her home, but she had to.

But, deep in her spark, she knew she would return soon: with the Allspark in tow. they'll revive Cybertron, and end this miserable war.

But till then, she had to be focused on the present.

And with that, we conclude this story. Thank you all for reading.

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