The touch of death

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Watching over the Egyptian coven while they traveled was quite interesting. Preferring to run across the flat plains of Libya. Trekking through the Sahara. Then eventually boarding a private plane off the coast of Morocco. They've decided to go west. Canada. A small town close to Vancouver. It was quite cold by human standers. Making myself aware of this I quickly purchase suitable clothing. Stashing away my long robes. I find a car rental service using my fake alias. KeKe Jones. A twenty two year old from New Orleans. I picked up the accent in my travels. I fell in love with the sights and sounds of that magical place. I even own a home down there. Holding up a sign for the coven. They all seemed confused to see me. "Ask no questions. Just tell me where we are going." I looked over head as the sun tried to peak from the clouds.

The fear of being exposed was too great for any of them to argue. "How are you here?" Benjamin question as he gazed in wonder. "I am a God without limits." Lying through my teeth I put in the location for the location. "This is ridiculous. We could have just ran." Amun fidgeted in the suvs leather seats. "Not if you want to get caught. The sun is due to make an appearance today. And without the snow to cover you, you'd all be sitting ducks."  As I sped along the highway I noticed the city slowly start to disappear. Benjamin constantly asked questions about our surroundings. Amun sat pouting. Kebi froze in fear as the car moved along. If possible she looked to be getting motion sickness. Tia sat in wonder, admiring her mates curiosity. " We cant trust her. She is no God. I should take the wheel and be done with her."  Amuns thoughts rang loud and clear in my head. One of the gifts of the dark mother. Only the powerful could read the minds of other vampires. Im guessing these being could not. "If you value your undead life, id advise you not to do so Amun." Clearly startled he shook his head. His red eyes burning into the side of my head.

   "You could take his life easily. Creatures like him don't respect anything but power"  The voice of The mother rang in my head. Her voice always been there. Ever since she changed me. Even in her death I hear her. We reached the end of the road. A steep trail up hill hidden behind trees lied a large home. My instincts went on high alert as soon as i steeped out of the vehicle. The overwhelming stench of wet dog filled my nose. Large wolf like creatures appeared at the edge of the woods. Not exposed enough to be seen by any human, but none of us were human. What in the name of the mother are these things? Defiantly not werewolves. "Who is she?" "Why would they have a human with them?" "Who cares shes hot."  Their thought raced into my head. They all seemed to be connected.  As we walked up the hill I looked to Tia. "Whos home am I gracing?" She seemed surprised that I was speaking to her. "The Cullens. A vegetarian family with a half human child."  I stop in my tracks. "The creation of such a being is forbidden." What in their right mind would make them think that it was okay. Instantly my mind went to the young vampire named Claudia.

   A young girl of the age of five turned by Lestat in a effort to keep Loui by his side. The internal longing for more. The mind that grew with a body casted in immortality. "It isn't what you think." Benjamin reassured my worries. Outside the home held many windows. Odd. Waiting for us was a man with golden eyes and blonde hair. A inviting smile on his face, next to him a woman of short statue. Flowing brown hair neatly pinned, she too shared those same golden eyes. Amun and the coven shared warm greetings with the pair. My attention was focused on the wolves hiding in the trees. "And this is-" All attention suddenly went to me. The sea of gold and brown eyes drifted over to me. "KeKe. Friend of Bens." As I shook the mans hand I had realized it was ice cold. The touch of death. It was my first time touching one of their kind. "She's warm. Could she be human?"  Carlisle as  would come to know him as kept a smile on his face as his mind raced. A calm fluttering heartbeat echoed through my ears. That must be the child. Entering the home felt different. It was cozy with high ceiling and plenty of seating. Neutral toned art hung on the wall matching the floor.

   "Everyone this is KeKe. Keke these are my childern. Edward and Bella. Rosalie and Emmett. Jasper and Alice." Edward and Bella shared a worried look. "Does she know?" The voice of Isabella. "I cant hear her thoughts. Benjamin thinks shes a..God?" Edward must be a mind reader. "Will the wolves be joining us or will they stay in the cold." The cullens where taken aback. It wasn't hard to figure out. Their scent was all over the house. Several young people entered the home. "How did you know? Benjamin?" Carlise tone was one of caution. Quickly he shook his head. "Its hard to explain. Keket found us. She brought us here." Alice grew curious. "I couldn't see anything except them coming here possibly because of you." Edward took a step down. "That doesn't explain why Benjamin and Tia think you are a God. Amun and Kebi think otherwise. You know of the wolves. Who are you?" These younglings ask a lot of questions.

   "You fear what you don't understand, that is fine. Firstly you are not children of the moon. Similar." I stepped in front of the one closest to me. A girl. "How does she know?" "I don't know." "Wow she smells good." I smirked as they talked amounts themselves. "They don't make them like they use too." I closely examined the matching tribal marks on there bicep.

Vampires at twilight: The cold and damned book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora