The first of her kind

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   As I continued to fawn over the wolves even though it reeked havoc on my scene of smell. The Cullens watched in silence. Their thoughts wouldn't shut up. Having one too many voices in your head all at once becomes a dull headache. "Where is the child?" That question instantly silenced their minds. "What do you want with renesme?" Reading Isabella thoughts tell me she's the mother. "Tia has told me the child is half human." I listened to the girls heartbeat pick up.
    "If I am to remain any longer I need to know. I'll answer you questions after." The silence between the Cullen family grew thick. Both Bella and the Alpha wolf known as Jacob went upstairs. Upon their return in between them a young girl no older than sixteen in appearance. Long bouncy brown hair, copper tone when the light hit it. Big doe brown eyes. Instantly I'm met with images of her birth. Christmas, birthdays, her rapid growth. Blinking a few times I look at Bella then the girl. "How interesting." Confused by my statement Edward pulled Renesme toward him.
    " You have an interesting gift." I said at the young halfling. "How does she know? Renesme hasn't even touched her." The young mothers mind instantly went into defense mode. Thinking of ways to safely get her offspring away from me. " I have no reason to harm any of you. I just need to be sure that no crime was committed. I've seen what the creation of what immortal children cause." Confusion settled on their faces.
   Sighing I sit down. "All of you gather around I will tell you the beginning of my kind. What true vampirism is." I made a note of exposing my fangs. Startled Jacob instantly growled at me while shielding Renesme. "That enough shapeshifter. You don't scare me." He seemed a bit hurt. "I lost my true name to time. I was rescued and changed by the mother herself Queen Akasha. The very first vampire."
    Mostly everyone listened in skepticism and disbelief. All except Carlisle. He was intrigued beyond belief. As a scholar I imagine he was a kid in a candy store. "If you were changed by the very first vampire you'd be just as old as her I assume." I nod. " Six thousand years. I've lost count exactly." Amun scoffed. "Where is this Akasha?" I frowned at his tone. "Dead. Now let me finish."
    "In the beginning. Akasha was human like we all once were. Due to be wed to Enkill the king of. Kemet . That's modern day Egypt children." I smiled at the younger being within the room. "They were rulers of great promise and intent. Making cannibalism illegal opting for farming instead. The ancient tribe who practiced under religious purposes of funeral traditions didn't take well to this. A new decree that all bodies must be returned to the earth as an offering was made."        

  "Wrapped and bound before being placed into tombs. This was the beginning of mummification. My Queen was great believer in the spirits. She believed that with the body still intact the spirt will fare better when reaching the after life."  I sighed for a moment. Memories flooding back. "I was just a poor girl in this time. My family sold me to a traveling brothel in order to feed the youngest. I was carted around for years treated like an animal." I gained sympathy from almost everyone in the room.
     "My abuser disrespected a court official while in the market square. It was either have his head cut off or give him one of us. I was chosen. Taken to be his personal consort. The Queen herself happen to be taking a stroll in the courtyards. I'd never seen anyone that beautiful. Even when bowing before her I couldn't take my eyes away from her. I still remembered how she smiled at me. It felt like a thousand suns warming me."
    "When questioned about my presence the man who held my chain simply told her that I was a slave that he purchased to do his laundry. The queen was no fool. She knew the mark of a slave and the mark of a pleasure woman were two different things." I rolled up my sleeve exposing my forearm. A large triangle brand still burned into my immortal flesh, decorated with a few vampire marks."The queen instantly took me away. I became her servant. She made sure all my needs where met just as I did for her. She renamed me seeing as my old name was no longer who I was."
    "Keket. The goddess I often prayed too. The darkness that held in those long nights. As life went on things within the kingdom became less than favorable. I saw a change within the king and queen. Enkill went about slaughtering entire villages. Leaving a trail of blood wherever his army went. The queen became more interested in the spirits apron hearing about twin witches. Before Jane and Alec. There was Mahert and Mekare."
    They all stiffen at the mention of Aros weapons. "Akasha offers a invitation to them. She wished to see their power herself. They declined. Enkill wanting his wife to be happy chose to kidnap them. Killing their entire village in front of them. Dragging them to Kemet. Two day they were questioned by the queen and king. Mekare summoned the spirits to prove they were real and that our gods were not. Simple spirts playing as Gods to fool us."
    "The queen called out to the spirit Amel. When he appeared he covered the queen in tiny cuts drawing small amounts of blood. The spirt had an infinity for blood. While I patched the queen Enkill ordered a guard to strip the twins of their honor. Amel began to haunt the queen and king. Figures of the night that weren't there. Blood turning screams. One night in a hurry to leave their quarters a group of people who still practiced canabolism  were out for revenge. Revenge on those who dared tell them not to practice their traditions."
     I took a moment as the memory replayed in my mind. "They stabbed the queen and king leaving them to bleed out. Amels spirt intertwined itself with Akashas as it left her body. Upon reentering the first vampire was born. So after she turned Enkill. More for her personal consort.  Their blood lust was far too great to be contained. They needed to turn others. The more they turned humans the less there blood lust. Then she came to me. And I became the third vampire in existence."

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