Chapter 61 (E.J)

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He grumbled under his breath as Olivia left the room
"Idiot." He huffed before shoving his hands into his pockets and walking into the proxy room, nobody was there thankfully he thought as he slunched down on the couch, he yawned loudly, he needed more sleep.

He stood up shrugging off the sleepiness listening to the sound of silence. The proxy room was usually the quietest, as they was away on missions and Slenderman stayed up in his room/study.

Shouting could be heard upstairs, a male and female voice. The male voice boomed louder.

"Olivia and Jeff" he hissed, before slowly walking upstairs to Jeff's room opening the door

"GET OUT" Jeff's voice growled at him, E.J assumed jeff had thrown his whole weight at the door to keep E.J out. With one massive push he finally got through, seeing Olive in the corner sat on the bed looking sheepish

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME DIPSHIT?!" Jeff roared angrily

"Then why don't you shut the hell up?" E.J stared at Jeff before looking at Olive

"You said you was gonna explain?" He blocked out the angry stares and sly comments from Jeff

"Later. E.J" she spat the words out defensively yet with a worried look.

"Fine. But what the hell is up with you two?"

"Nothing." Jeff growled sitting on his bed on the edge

"Whatever. I don't care anyway just keep it down" e.j hissed stressfully, slamming Jeff's door, growling annoyingly
Way to handle the situation jeff E.J thought to himself, walking casually back down the stairs, ignoring the deep feelings he had inside him which wanted to turn back and kick the living crap out of Jeff. But why?

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now