Chapter 4

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Olivia crouched up slowly, backing away whilst keeping her eyes trailed on the murderer, he crouched down finishing off the person, hiding no emotions of joyful pleasure at the torturing of the now dead person, smearing blood all over the body, and doing something with the corpses mouth.

She was shaking as she stepped back shuffling so delicately, snap a twig crunched under her foot "shit" Olivia mouthed looking towards the dead corpse. He was gone.

She stood up loosing all grip on her cool and breaking out into a dead sprint for her life, until she tackled into a person making them both fall to the ground, she shuffled away scared, panicking.

"Hey - Sorry - Olive?!" Brandons blonde curls flicked out of his face, his blue eyes tracing her, frantic.

"Brandon!" She flung her arms around his neck panting heavily

"calm down, what's happened?" He rubbed her back affectionately, calming her down quickly, she sighed breathing into his top.

"He - they - dead - what are you? Why? Your here why?!" She let go looking Into his sea blue eyes, why was he here? He never came to her house especially through the woods.

"I came to see you Olive, let's go to yours..." he trailed off standing up brushing the leaves off of himself and holding out his hand in offer, she took it and they left that place.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora