Chapter 36

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"Olivia stay here." Jeff grumbles sternly, grabbing his jeans and white hoodie from his bed, her clothes folded beside his

"Jeff no, he could hurt Grace, I can't let you go alone, you'll be playing into her hands!" She pushed him away from the door

"Olivia!" he shouted shutting the door with a slam, his arms either side of her head, she held her breath looking up at him, he bit his lip looking into her eyes

"and what if something happens to you?" he murmered

"Why do you care...? you've tried to kill me before! many times..." she whimpered softly, she was scared as he slowly dropped his arms, she moved out the way and got her clothes off the bed undressing, black and blue and yellow bruises planted around her waist, she started shaking scared. He cringed at what he had done to her, broke her ribs and almost killed her...

This was the second time he had seen real fear in her...The first time being when he tried to kill her.

"Jeff don't go..." she whimpered sat on the bed.

He burst out the door slamming it shut shouting

"do not follow!" he hissed, fully dressed she peered out of the door looking down, she creeped down the stairs to the second floor watching from the balcony below silently

"Ben, sally come with me" Jeff's voice was recognisable, they gathered below, Jeff took out his knife and Sally clung to a teddy

"are you guys ready? now if we find Jane, both go and tell Slender since you both won't do much fighting with her, we need to visit this girl first, no killing but watch out for a boy who may be there." they nodded In agreement, then they left, a whistle was heard out side but as soon as they were gone Olivia padded down the stairs.

"s-shouldn't you be upstairs?" a familiar stutter made Olivia turn her head

"I don't take orders from him" Toby the boys name, chuckled.

"w-well neither do I" she smiles

"how do I get back?" she frowned looking at him

"t-the tunnel, but only creepy pastas c-can see it, you came here because Ben d-drowned can t-teleport since He's a gamer c-creepy pasta" she stared at him blankly, a little confused

"Didn't j-jeff tell you about us...?" he tilted his head

"no...i Googled Jeff murderer and it came with up with 'the killer' and a creepy pasta site came up, I only read about him...sorry"

Toby chuckled eyeing Olivia up and down

"I'm T-Toby but better k-known as Ticci Toby" he smiled

"I'm Olivia"

"I'll t-take you to the t-tunnel, we better leave n-now" we both nodded and took off, jogging quickly out of the manshion.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now