Chapter 11

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Olivia's eyes fluttered open, the room she was in was white and a baby blue colour, opposite her was chairs and white roses, her favourite flowers.

She touched her neck, a neck brace was blocking her touch and she sighed barely able to move.

Brandon moved to her side close to the bed, smiling his comforting smile with slight worry in his eyes

"Finally Olive you're up" he muttered quietly

"Where am I? How long have I been asleep?" She tried sitting up and moving around, she wanted to get out and that's when she recalled what happened. Him, being strangled.

"Stay calm olive your safe in here" he held her hand gently, stroking his thumb on her hand.

"I'm scared Brandon I want to go home..." she whimpered softly

"I know, listen Olive, you remember that man right? Who tried to kill you? His name is Jeff, Jeff the killer." He sighed looking at the floor

"He almost killed you Olive. I was able to wound his leg and he ran off, I called the ambulance and they brought you here....I'm so sorry..."

he didn't look at her, clearly ashamed of how far this 'jeff' had gone to try kill her, and almost did.

"It's not your fault, without you Brandon I would have been dead by now" she tipped his chin up to look at her, she smiled.

A nurse walked in, seeing Olivia was awake she smiled warmly, then looked towards Brandon.

"You should really go home, he's been here all night with you, you know?" She looked back at Olivia smiling again. She nodded

"Yeah Brandon, your parents will be worried and like you said I'm fine in here" she shook his hand, he nodded and sighed unwillingly.

"Okay, I'll come see you after school tomorrow"

"Sure" she closed her red stained eyes, nodding her head, he kissed her forehead before leaving the room,

she sighed wiping the tears down her cheeks,

she had usually been a strong person but now...It was different.

The doctor had came in to check on her condition a few times he said it was 'nothing to worry about', her mum had rang her countless times moaning about coming home, when Olive knew that wasn't an option since work needed her desperately

"But Olive I can't leave you in the hospital like that! I'm coming home!"

"No mum I'm fine honest. It was only a concussion and I'm fine, stay at work really, I'll ring you at least 3 times a day until I get out."

"And when will that be?" Her mum complained

"In 2 days mum, nothing serious, I love you"

"I love you too Olive, get better soon hun" she sighed, clearly distraught by everything that had happened.

Olivia clicked off the call and layed back in her bed, the neck brace only had to be on one more day, thankfully.

The police had to come and interrogate her at some point, she couldn't wait...

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now