Chapter 35

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Buzz Buzz Buzz

Olivia's phone rang out, she groaned opening her eyes sleepily, the time was 6 am and she swiped the call


"Olivia! where the fuck are you?!" She was greeted by a male voice, Brandons. He sounded grumpy and very angry

"B -Brandon I've been in hospital for days..." she turned to see Jeff's body breathing slow and his body turned over, he was asleep.

"Well your not anymore! where are you?" he growled loudly across the phone, her heart raced

"I'm at Graces"

"I'm coming over." he grumbled unwillingly

"No-Wait-brand-" he cut the phone, she panted heavily,  Brandon sounded mad and if he was really working with Jane then something was wrong, she turned around and saw Jeff was up glaring at her, wide eyed and serious.

"Don't go." Jeff spoke silently but with every word spat anger

"B - But Jane! she warned me she would find me and we would meet" Jeff froze then he stood up storming downstairs, Olivia followed

"Jeff!" she shouted, some creepy pastas were awake in the living room, he stormed in

"Janes back. Where is Slenderman!" the 2 creepypastas stared at jeff, Olivia didn't know any....One wore goggles and a mask, he had few scars and cuts from what she could see and wore two hatchets alongside his belt.

The other was a little girl with brown hair,  she looked no older than 10 and wore a pink dress, some blood streamed down her eyes and she stared at Olivia blinking and grinning

"come play with me?" she tilted her head smiling

"Uh sure..." Olivia walked towards the girl before Jeff grabbed her wrist pulling her back

"Sally, knock it off. " Jeff growled

the man with the mask muttered stuttering a little

"S-Slenderman hasn't c-come back yet, he will soon, we h-have an assignment"

"we?" he growled slightly

"t-the p-proxies ok?" he stuttered

"whatever Toby, nothing that includes me or Olivia" she reacted at her name, hiding half her body behind Jeff

Both Toby and Sally looked at her puzzled

"Why would you bring a human in here...?" she frowned looking at Olivia up and down

"S-Slenderman won't be p-pleased" Toby stuttered softly

"Slenderman knows." Jeff spat out the words like a warning.

These people were not normal, Olivia had to remind herself that, it didn't matter how innocent they looked, they are killers and they are dangerous.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now