Back at The Hotel

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Third Person POV:

Sasha and Bayley got their things and went back out to Sasha's car. They were going to drive back to the hotel, but Sasha stopped at a Subway to get a snack for them. After they went in and got their food, Sasha drove to a nature park. They got out of the car and brought the food with them. They ate together at a picnic table while looking out at the small pond that was there. Sasha saw quiet a few frogs and pointed them out to Bayley.

After they finished eating, they got back into the car and Sasha drove back to the hotel. They went inside and got to their room. Sasha went to take a shower while Bayley waited in the living room. She was checking her social media and saw a bunch of people congratulating her and Sasha on their win.

A few minutes later, Sasha came back out.

"It's all yours."

Bayley left the room so she could take her shower. Sasha stayed in the living room and kept thinking about what had happened within the past week. How they fell asleep on the couch at the last hotel, and what happened Saturday and Sunday. Sasha got up and decided to go wash the dishes they had from earlier in the day. While she was cleaning them, her phone buzzed. She went to check it and it was Alexa messaging her.

Alexa: are you two up for a celebration this week too? Me and nattie won our matches.
Sasha: I think we will stay here this time, thank you tho
Alexa: no worries Sasha
Sasha: next week?
Alexa: for sure!

Sasha turned her phone off and set it on the counter. Sasha continued to wash the dishes until she had them all clean and dry. Bayley walked out and saw Sasha.

"You didn't have to wash them I could've," Bayley told Sasha.
"No, it's okay don't worry," Sasha answered.

They both went and sat on the couch. It was 10:30pm and Sasha was getting tired.

"I think I'm going to go to sleep," Sasha suggested.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight," Bayley replied.
"Goodnight," Sasha returned.

Sasha got up from the couch while Bayley continued to watch some tv. Sasha plugged in her charger to the wall and then plugged her phone in. She got under the blankets and quickly fell asleep.

Bayley stayed out in the living room. She wasn't tired, but she also was. After about 15 minutes, Bayley decided she would go get some sleep. She turned off the tv and grabbed her phone. Luckily, there were two beds in the hotel room. Bayley went over to her bed and plugged her phone into her charger. She then layed down in her bed with the sheets over her, trying to sleep. She looked over to Sasha, who was passed out, and then turned back over. Soon enough, Bayley fell asleep, and the two didn't wake up until morning.

Friends To Lovers 🤍 (Sasha Banks X Bayley)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang