Mia Rose Banks

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Sasha's POV:

"Come on baby she's almost out!" I heard Bayley encourage me as she held onto my hand.

I was able to calm down after the last push and I heard crying. I watched as the doctor took her out of the room. She was early, a month early. I was worried, my calmness left after they took her out. I looked over at Bayley, she was trying her best to stay calm.

"Bayley, where are they taking her?" I asked.
"I don't know, I assume they're going to weigh her and make sure she's not underweight," she inquired.
"Bayls, I'm worried," I whispered.
"It's okay Sash, if anything is wrong with her they'll tell us," she told me.

I turned my head and looked up at the celling. I took a few deep breaths before a nurse came in.

"She's 7 pounds and 12 inches," she told me as she handed her to me.
I awed at the sight of her, "thank you."

The woman smiled before leaving the room. Bayley was leaning on the side of the bed to see her. I moved over a bit so there would be room for her.

"Come look at her," I whispered .

Bayley got up and layed on the bed with me. She was smiling as the baby looked up at us.

"Mia," I whispered.
"Hm?" Bayley asked.
"Mia. Her name, we should name her Mia," I stated.
"Yeah? If you want to we can," she answered.
I smiled at her before nodding.
"I like it," she said.

Bayley smiled at our daughter. She started playing with her small hands before Mia held onto her finger. I laughed before Bayley looked up at me.

"She's beautiful just like her mommy," she said.

I smiled at her before kissing her.

"Now Mia, you better not keep me and your mom up every night," I joked with the little girl.

Bayley wrapped her arm around me as we looked at our new born daughter. She was a gem, I couldn't wait to watch her grow up.

We were able to take Mia home whenever we were ready. After a few hours, I decided it was okay for us to go. I left Mia with Bayley as I went to change in the washroom. When I came back out, Bayley had Mia in the car seat we had bought a few weeks ago. She also had her with a blanket, in case it was cold outside since it was now night. I went over to see the two of them as Bayley placed the seat on the bed.

"I'm ready," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"That makes three of us," she stated before kissing me.

We broke it after a few seconds, realizing that we had Mia watching us. I giggled before I hugged Bayley.

"Let's go home," I suggested as I grabbed Mia's car seat.
"Sounds good," Bayley replied.

I grabbed my bag and Mia as Bayley had to use her crutches. We headed out of the room and out of the hospital.

My baby girl was born a month early, but still completely healthy. She was born on July 27th, 2021 at 7:35 P.M. She was adorable. I couldn't wait to watch her grow up, and I get to do it with the girl I love most. Bayley.

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