Christmas 21

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Sasha's POV:

I woke up with Bayley's arm around me. I was exhausted since I had to be at Smackdown the previous night. I looked up to see her smiling at me.

"Morning baby," she whispered.
"Morning," I returned before kissing her.
"How are you feeling today?" She asked.
"I'm really tired, but besides that I feel great," I explained.
"You can sleep a little longer, I'll go take care of Mia and get breakfast ready," she told me.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes, I can walk without the crutches so I'm able to take her downstairs," she assured me.
"Okay, I'll be down in a bit," I stated.

Bayley's POV:

I kissed Sasha's cheek before getting up. I closed out bedroom door and went down the hall to Mia's. I quietly went into the room, in case she was still asleep. I walked over to her crib to see her looking up at me.

"Good morning Mia," I cooed as I picked her up.

After changing her diaper and clothes, I carried Mia downstairs and we went to the kitchen. I put her in her high chair and started making breakfast. In between cooking mine and Sasha's food, I fed Mia her breakfast as well. Just as I was finishing up breakfast, I saw Sasha walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning again," I joked as she walked over to me.
"Good morning," she whispered as she hugged me.
"I fed Mia already and our breakfast is almost finished," I informed her.
"Sounds good," she replied.

I kissed her before she went over to see Mia. I dished up the pancakes and eggs onto our plates and walked over to Sasha. I handed her her plate and sat beside her. We ate at the island.

When we finished, I took the plates and put them into the sink. Sasha grabbed Mia and we headed to the living room. Sasha sat on the couch with Mia while I grabbed the gifts. There were 5 under the tree, 3 for Mia, 1 for Sasha and 1 for me. We didn't go all out for Christmas this year, especially where Mia is only 5 months old.

I handed Mia's gifts to Sasha, there was one from us, one from Sasha's mom and one from my parents. She and Mia opened the first gift which was from us. Inside was a stuffed animal, a lamb. Sasha and I awed at it as she held Mia with the toy. I handed the next gift to Sasha which was from her mom. She opened the present with Mia to find a dream catcher which was white and purple. It matched her nursery. I handed the final present of Mia's to Sasha and they opened it together. It was a box of toy building blocks. We placed Mia's gifts on the floor and moved onto ours. I gave Sasha hers and she was delighted when she opened it. It was a custom title belt, all blue, which special side plates. The side plates were renders of her from Wrestlemania.

"This is from when we found I was going to be having Mia," she pointed out as she saw the side plates.

I smiled at her as she handed me my gift. I opened it to see a painting. It was of me and Sasha, from when we won the tag team titles the first time.

"I don't know where you wanna put it but I hope you like it," she stated.
"Like it? I love it Sash," I responded as I got up to hug her.

We put Mia in her play area as we cleaned everything up. I unboxed Mia's new toys and let her play with as Sasha brought the rest of the gifts upstairs. She came back down and layed on the couch. She layed her head on my lap and looked up at me. I smiled at her as I brushed my fingers through her hair. We leaned towards each other and kissed. She layed back down and we watched a Christmas movie.

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