Raw Day

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Third Person POV:

Bayley woke up before Sasha around 8am. She went to the kitchen and ordered breakfast for the two of them from the hotel kitchen. She waited for about 20 minutes for the food. She ordered eggs, pancakes, and toast. Just before a worker brought it up, Sasha woke up and came out.

"Good morning," She said to Bayley.
"Good morning, I ordered breakfast already," Bayley told her.

Then, a knock was heard from the door. Bayley went and opened it to a man with their food. She thanked him and he left. Bayley took the plates and placed them on the table. They then ate together at the table .

Once they finished, Sasha went into the washroom to get ready while Bayley washed the dishes. Once Sasha walked back out, Bayley went and got ready.

Bayley came out to Sasha who had her jacket on and was holding Bayley's. They went out for another walk and went into some shops this time. After about 2 hours, they finally started to head back to the hotel.

"I forgot to tell you, we wont be facing the Iiconics tonight, Billie got injured," Bayley informed Sasha.
"Okay. Do we have a replacement match?" Sasha asked.
"Yeah, we're going against Naomi and Carmella around 9:30 instead of 8:45," Bayley replied.
"Okay, that still works for me," Sasha stated.

They were on their way back to the hotel when they saw this small restaurant. They went in and had dinner there.

Once they finished their dinner, they walker back to the hotel. Once they got their gear bags, they walked out and put them in the trunk of Bayley's trunk. They hopped into the front of the car and Bayley drove to the arena. They parked in the parking lot and walked into the arena. It was 8pm, so the show had just started. They walked in and found their locker rooms. Sasha went into hers and changed into her gear, as Bayley did the same in her locker room. They came out and met up with each other before going to hair and make up.

After an hour, they were finished. They walked to the Gorilla as it was now 9:20. They had 10 minutes before their match started. Right now, Seth Rollins was facing Randy Orton in a number 1 contenders match for the WWE championship. Seth went to hit the curb stomp but Randy moved out of the way. They went back and forth for a few minutes until Randy finally hit the RKO on Seth. 1,2,3, Randy won. His theme played as the ref rose his arm. It faded to a commercial and Sasha and Bayley then knew it was their time to shine.

Once the commercial was over, Carmella and Naomi went out and did their things. They got to the ring and Naomi's music stopped playing. Sasha's song started playing as the fans screamed and cheered as she went out and did her pose. She waited for Bayley as her theme started to play. She walked out and hugged Sasha, then doing her thing out to the crowd. They walked down the ramp and entered the ring. They decided that Bayley would start out against Naomi. The bell rang and they locked up.

*10 minutes later*

Bayley had ahold of Carmella. She tagged in Sasha and set Carmella up on the middle rope. Sasha gave her the double knees to the stomach and went to pin her. 1,2. Carmella kicked out. She grabbed Carmella and flipped her over. She gave Carmella the Banks Statement and she almost immediately tapped out. Sasha's music played as Bayley came into the ring. She hugged her and helped her up. They walked back up the ramp and went backstage.

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