Chapter 5: Orders ready😀😏☕️

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The cashier looked at the two Wayne and Dedus playing with each other, not knowing that their order was ready, after a couple minutes of trying to put the coffee in the hydroflasks.

"Heyo, you do realize your coffee's are already served up." Pelsine said in a know it all like mood.

"Queen, we already knew that. Just take some time to be a bit patient enough when we are done with the game." Wayne said as him and Dedus went up on the counter to grab their flasks.

Wayne got out his pastel aesthetic hello kitty wallet and took out 20 wayne dollars (shoutouts to my epic fren for the idea of wayne dollars 😎) for him, his boo, and his beloved ordered. Dedus was just waiting there like a pure child sheeesh.
"Welp, have a nice rest of your day." Pelsine said which a possible confident fake smile and a wave that tastes like pure sheesh. Wayne and Dedus waved back and left the Starbucks, being queens and such 😎😎

Dedusmuln and Wayne go to Starbucks 🤩☕️💅Where stories live. Discover now