Chapter 6: Goin home like a boss 😫💅😎☕️✨

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Wayne and Dedus walked their way back, back from the direction they did to go to the epic Starbucks. There wasnt pretty much a clear pathway since they were walking on the sand but they have done this serval times so dont worry, they know their ways around. Dedus took a lil sip of his hydroflasks and they tasted the loveliest taste of the mocha they ordered.

Dedus looked so happy as they drank it from their hydroflask. Dedus made a lil squeal like noise as they tasted it which kinda alerted Wayne. Wayne was getting a lil worried for Dedus, just thinking maybe the barista messed up on his honey bun bun's order. "Babe, are you okay?" Wayne said worried. "Im ok hun, its just that..." Dedus was kinda stuck on some words on how to describe the taste of the mocha they tasted. "So epic!!! I wish I could take my compliments to the barista on how darling this tasted." Wayne realized and then beamed with happiness from the empathy he felt upon Dedus's rosy cheecks and adorable smile.

After a few moments from walking, They reached the Wayne house. Wayne and Dedus took off their vans and setted the hydroflask on the floor, (because Wayne doesn't have a table in his home, silly.) Wayne cat was pretty glad to see their owner arriving home. (just so ya know, Wayne forgot to feed Wayne cat this morning.) Wayne got a burrito from the fridge and gave it to Wayne cat since he is kinda a swag owner 😎😎. A knock was heard on top of the roof and thats from at least a few seconds, both Dedus and Wayne realized and forgot about Pongorma and Somsnosa were still on the hecking roof. The two lovers both got out of the Wayne house to see what was going on and Wayne cat was chilling in the couch once again, just taking a quick cat nap.

"Oof, you two besties still on the roof?" Wayne said looking at both Somsnosa and Pongorma asserting dominance on the house (NOOOO THEY AIN'T PISSIN ON THE HOUSE LMFAO) "Yep we kinda been around here for a lil while, infact, you forgot about a snap me and Pongorma sent to you with no context included." Somsnosa replied. Wayne checked his phone and realized they did. He clicked on the notification and played it. "Ayo bestie, you were today years old when you realized we invited Wayne larvae to your house lol" Somsnosa said as Pongorma was dancing in the background. "And you missed the party to release most of your swag vsco vibes to" Pongorma said. Somsnosa gave the phone to a Wayne larvae who was just staring down at the camera and the vid ended just like that lol. Wayne and Dedus both felt amused by the video. "So, do you two wanna have a slumber party with me and Wayne!!" Dedus just said out of nowhere. Pongorma and Somsnosa both were surprised when Dedus said that since they have never been invited in a long time, due to the fact that Dedus and Wayne were practically dating and they probably wanted some alone time. But they both agreed with a nod of their heads and the words of  "Yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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Dedusmuln and Wayne go to Starbucks 🤩☕️💅Where stories live. Discover now