˜"*°• The girl next door •°*"˜

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~Y/n POV~
Today was it. Moving day, yay. This time I'm moving to Medford, which if you didn't know is in Texas. I moved away from San Francisco, California, which was nice but all my so called "friends" used to talk about me behind my back. You don't know who I am yet do you? My name is Y/n L/n, I'm 16 years old and I have been expelled from 7 schools all over America, because I have IED, which if you didn't know is (Intermittent explosive disorder) where I have outbursts of emotion. I'm basically a ticking time bomb. Anyway, back to my story.

5-6 hours of driving and we finally arrived at our new home, it's a nice house and the neighbours look nice.

"Y/n! Get your lazy ass out that truck and bring some boxes in, I'm not doing this!"
That's my mom, she's not the best person. Here are a few reasons why; she hits me even when I'm not doing anything wrong, shouts at me day in day out and worst of all, never stops nagging me.
"I'm coming! Jeez!"
I grabbed 3 boxes all labelled kitchen and put them on the floor. After a few hours of moving boxes, we were done and were ready for dinner. I walked into the living space to find my mom drunk, spread across the couch with a lit cigarette in hand. I changed into some comfy clothes; red checked joggers, black crop top and a matching checked jacket with a black hood. I slid my shoes on as quiet as possible and left the house. As soon as I locked the door, I grabbed my skateboard and ran down the road.

I felt the wind flow through my hair, finally I felt free again.

~Georgie POV~
I had just finished football practice and noticed a new truck across the street. We must have new neighbours. Mom just finished dinner so we all sat down and ate.
" Why can't the boy just hold hands with his family for once?"
"George, leave the poor kid alone!"
That's my mom and dad, they are arguing about my smart ass brother Sheldon Cooper. He wears mittens every time we say grace.
"Georgie did you wash your hands before dinner or anytime this year?"
"Shut up!"
He thinks if he touches me he will get a disease. We finished up and as I went outside, I heard wheels spinning across the road. I look around and spot a girl with longish, brown hair skating down the road. I've never seen her before. She was so damn fine. She spotted me and started walking towards me.
"Hey...uh do you mind not staring at me it's a little creepy?"
"Ye sorry, I'm Georgie Cooper. Are ya new around here?"
"Ye I just moved in across the road. It's just me and my mom."
"Oh cool."
I couldn't stop staring into her shining, emerald eyes she was gorgeous. Just as she moved her hair out of her face I noticed a scar on her neck.
"Nice scar, what happened?"
"Oh, uh, I slipped on some snow and a piece of glass cut me pretty deep when i was in Alaska."
"Is that where your from then?"
"I was born in Georgia but we moved around a lot."
"How come?"
"I got kicked out a few schools and my mother lost her job a few times."
I couldn't stop thinking how pretty she was. The worst part is I don't even know her.
"I'm gonna go in before it gets too dark I'll maybe see you tomorrow?"
"Wait what's your name"
"Have a good night."
She ran up the concrete stairs and went inside. God I can't wait to see her again. A girl like her must have a pretty name but for now I will just call her the girl next door. I went back inside and plopped down on the couch. I couldn't get her out my mind.

~Y/n POV~
I went back in and realised my mom was still passed out. I ran upstairs to my attic room and lay on what I call a bed but some would just call it a mattress with a few blankets over. I grabbed my walk man and put my favourite songs on. That boy. He had a brown, curly mullet with blue eyes and a really cute smile. To top that of he had a thick southern accent. Georgie Cooper. Man he was hot. After a while of daydreaming, I got up and decided to put my green, satin pj's on.

My favourite song { back in black } came on so I started dancing around and singing . The song finished so I sat on my bay window and looked out of my window...

~Georgie POV~
I went to my room to get ready for bed and looked out my window. There she was dancing around her bedroom, her satin, green pj's fitting her body perfectly. I grabbed my jamas and quickly changed into them.

I went back to the window just as she turned around...

~Y/n POV~
There he was, watching me dance. I met his gaze and giggled at him a bit. I got this weird feeling in my stomach. It made me shiver and I felt my face warm up. He made me smile just by looking into his bright blue eyes, that seem deeper than the Atlantic ocean. His cute face peering through the window.

~Georgie POV~
She met my gaze. Her beautiful skin glowing in the moonlight. She giggled which sent a fluttery feeling in my tummy. I felt my face heat up as her smile sent shivers down my back. I smiled and waved at her. She waved back and shut her curtains. I did the same and lay on my bed, falling asleep dreaming of the mystery girl next door.

~Y/n POV~
After shutting my curtains I climbed into bed and drifted off thinking about the pretty boy next door. Man how I wished he was here, cuddling me and whispering sweet nothingness in my ear. What the fuck am I thinking. I just met this kid a couple hours ago and I already have a humongous crush on him. Damn, I bet he has all the girls after him with those looks. How am I supposed to compete?

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