10. Ink joins the party

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Error was reaching his limit: if he had to repeat himself one more time, he was gonna kill him, Creator or not.

"So... AUs are bad?" Ink had a really sad tone, almost desperate, but the glitch couldn't care less.
"үEş.(Yes.)" "No!" Blue glared at him.

Both of them had tried explaining everything to Ink multiple times, "tried" being the key word: the skeleton kept getting confused and forgetting what they had just talked about.

"AUs aren't bad per se, but if there's too many of them then in the end you'll run out of space. Imagine trying to fill a balloon with water. What happens when there's too much water?" Blue was making more progress than him, mainly because he kept treating Ink like a child and making dumb examples like this.

"The balloon explodes! Does that mean the Doodlesphere will explode too? Will I explode?!" He patted himself, as if to check he wasn't exploding. Error would have rubbed the bridge of his nose if he had one, but instead settled for covering his face with his hands and throwing it back. He could feel some glitches running over him.

"You won't explode Ink." the Destroyer had a newfound appreciation for his friend and his patience, even if it was clear Blue was also getting frustrated. "But the Multiverse would collapse."
"And that's bad."
"Very bad."

"үσ𝕌 ş𝓱σ𝕌𝔩𝓭 Ⓦя𝐢tE t𝓱At 𝓭σⓌŇ, şσ 𝕪σ𝕌 ⓌσŇ't ⓕσяGEt AGA𝐢Ň(You should write that dow, so you won't forget again)" Error quipped sarcastically. Obviously, the moron took him seriously.
"Good idea Error!" a pencil appeared in his hand, and he looked around for something to write on, before glancing down at his scarf and using that. Idiot. He had a surprisingly neat handwriting.

"Too... many AUs... are bad..." and then he underlined bad three times. Blue seemed hopeful.
"Let's try writing down all the other things we told you: do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

His pupils changed (another annoying thing about the Creator) to an orange question mark and a green spiral, showing he was deep in thought. Or as much thought his pea-sized brain could manage.

"You said... you knew who's messing with the AUs" his pupils now were a red crosshair and target "and his name is... Nootmare?" Error snorted, while Blue looked defeated.
"Right. Nightmare... is destroying... AUs because... Why is he doing it again?"
"To spread misery."
"Because... he's evil."
They kept going for a few minutes, writing everything down, with Ink asking questions and reminders and Blue giving him all the information necessary.
"I think that's everything " said Ink. "There's one thing I don't understand though." Error should be praised for his restraint, as he kept himself from saying "just one?".

"What?" Blue really looked miserable now.
"I don't like that Nightmare is destroying AUs, it makes me feel... red!" His eyes then changed to a blue teardrop and a purple square "But if too many AUs are bad, does that mean that I shouldn't fix them? I want to fix them, but if everything explodes then it's better to leave them alone, right?"

Seemed the idiot was capable of coherent thought after all.

"I think Error should answer this one." Now both of them turned to him.
The Destroyer thought long and hard about the question: on one hand, he still thought AUs were hideous glitches of the Multiverse, and should be erased. On the other, he couldn't stop thinking about what Blue had said to him in Underfell. Had he been wrong this whole time? Was it possible to reach a compromise? Was it just a coincidence that the abominations had found him in the endless Antivoid, after centuries, right after Nightmare's unrestrained destruction? Or had the Guardian unknowingly set something in motion?

"ι t𝓱𝐢Ň𝕂(I think)" he said with reluctance "爪A𝕪ᵇE, ş𝐢Ň𝓬E t𝓱E 𝓂𝕌𝔩t𝐢ѶEяşE 爪AŇAGE𝓭 tσ Ňσt 𝓬σ𝔩𝔩ApşE t𝐢𝔩𝔩 ŇσⓌ, ιŇ𝕂 𝓬σ𝕌𝔩𝓭 ⓕ𝐢𝐗 t𝓱E a𝓾ş ภ𝐢G𝓱t爪AяE 𝓭Eştяσ𝕪E𝓭... ᵇ𝕌t t𝓱At'ş 𝐢t!(Maybe, since the Multiverse managed to not collapse till now, Ink could fix the AUs Nightmare destroyed... but that's it!)" He turned to the moron "aⓕtEя t𝓱At 𝕪σ𝕌 ştσp! ιş t𝓱At 𝓬𝔩EAя?!(After that you stop! Is that clear?!)" And besides, he could always destroy them again later: this idiot certainly wasn't going to stop him.

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