[3] Aftermath

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Sorry for lack of update i haven't felt really good mentally and physically

This is my Christmas gift to all of you im sorry I haven't updated lately and especially my kakegurui ff



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⠀⠀⠀Y/N was utterly confused, hurt, and betrayed at the same time. Why did Mikasa help Eren when she was on the ground who got pushed. She could care less about being pushed and hurt but did Mikasa not notice Y/N. It seems that she forgot about the one who was hurt in the process.

⠀"Mikas-" Y/N was cut off by Sasha appearing out of the blue.

⠀"It's not worth it Y/N! Let's just go." Sasha tried helping Y/N up but held on to her

⠀"What are you doing here?" Y/N whispered to Sasha.

⠀"You were taking forever, it only obvious that I followed and look for you." Sasha then helped you up

⠀"But, how abou-" Sasha cut Y/N of again and glares at you.

⠀"If she cares more about him, why should you waste your time on her? She seems to be busier on him than she is with you, we need to go." Y/N didn't say anything and just let Saha help her get up.

⠀"Hold on! I need to go grab what I originally came here for. Wait here I know where it is" Y/N said.

⠀⠀⠀ Y/N goes back to the shed and looked for the item she was looking for them. Y/N looks back hoping that she looks her way but Mikasa is far too busy asking Eren questions and looking for any injuries he eventually gets annoyed at him further and ignoring Mikasa instead. Eren looks at Y/N instead and smirks at her but Y/N just smiles at him which sets off Eren but just ignores it and looks away. Y/N then saw what she was looking for and grabbed the iten and left without uttering a word.

⠀"Let's go! I have it now" Y/N said

⠀"What was it? The one you were looking for." Sasha asked

⠀"You'll see for yourself later, this is not important right now. Ca-Can we just go home?" Sasha nods and she puts Y/N's arm over her shoulder helping her walk, even when Y/N said needed Sasha didn't listen and insisted on helping.

⠀"You guys take forever to co-" Jean was shocked as to why Y/N's arms were over Sasha's shoulder and then saw your arms are scratched up dripping some blood in it.

⠀"Who the fuck did this to you Y/N?" Jean started to raise his volume.

⠀"Jean! It's fine, let's go." Y/N said in a whisper, too tired for anything.

⠀"No! It's not when you're like this!?" Jean said as he scanned around and his eyes landed on Eren looking back at both Sasha and Y/N. Y/N looked away while Sasha shook her head indicating it's not worth it on what Jean is about to do.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒 - 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now