Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The Avatar Returns

Hello again, I am so glad everyone is enjoying this story, and I am enjoying writing it. I just can't seem to stop, not even in my dreams when I'm asleep or awake. It gives me so many ideas to use and I have written them down in each chapter so that I won't forget.

And I might use them as previews for the next chapters for the story wend I publish them.


It was between both a good and bad once they arrived at the village.

The ship did some damages when it reaches the land, or ice, causing it to create a huge crevice on the ice. Luckily no one fell in. And their iced hard snow that formed a small wall around the village, part of it collapse when the ship made contact. At least not all of it fall down.

Zuko did in fact NOT harm a single villager, he did grabbed an elderly woman roughly and shoved her back to the crowd sure, but at least no one was burned when Zuko aimed his firebending OVER their heads.

Although this one guy did seem to be the one who got wound the most, his dignity and pride not his body. Emotions, maybe.

First, he charges at Zuko with a weapon, but Zuko kicks it out of his hands and kick the guy away into the snow headfirst. It was a funny sight.

Second, he charges at Zuko again, who was annoyed. This time Zuko dodges the guy and flips him over his head and blast a flame at him. The guy rolls out of the way and throws a boomerang at Zuko, who barely avoid it. The guy wasn't winning but he was sure making Zuko angry.

And Finally, a little boy throws the guy a spear, "Show no fear!" the kid said bravely but cute. The guy catches it and charges Zuko once again, but Zuko breaks off the head piece, and a few others, wrist guards. Zuko grabs the spear and bonks the guy on the forehead with it three times, then breaks it in half and drops the pieces on the ground.

With the guy out of commission, mostly because he was on the ground in defeat and had no other weapons left. But they did forget about the boomerang which came back and slams Zuko in the back of the head, knocking his helmet off kilter. Furious with how none of this is going nowhere and that his patience were wearing thin, Zuko begins to spit fire out of his hands as he hovers menacingly over the buffoon.

But then this kid came skyrocketing out of nowhere with a staff in his hands on a... four flippered penguin?

He flies right under Zuko's legs sweeping right underneath him causing Zuko to fall in the most hilarious manner and his helmet lands right on his butt. Jake and Haley were struggling not to laugh so loud from the deck and to keep Fu Dog from making any joking comments so that they wouldn't have any attentions drawn towards them.

Even the children from the village where cheering and laughing for the kid, and how funny Zuko has fallen.

Once the kid stops sliding on the penguin, who pushes the kid off and waddles away, Jake, Haley, and Fu were able to see the kid more clearly. He's clothes resembles of a monk in orange, yellow, and light soft red. He has blue tattoos in forms that resembles an arrow on his head and on the back of his hands. There's probably more on his body than just those.

"Hey Katara. Hey Sokka." The kid greeted the older girl standing next to the buffoon, who dryly said, "Hi...Aang. Thanks for comin'."

'So the kid's name is Aang.' The time travelers thought, as they see Zuko getting back on his feet and assuming a firebending stance. Seeing that Aang surrounded by Zuko and his men, Jake really wanted to intervene, but he knows that he shouldn't mess with the timeline more than he, Haley and Fu had already has.

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