Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The Warriors of Kyoshi

Hope I didn't keep you in suspense on chapter four? Because I have you answers right here in chapter five. And I'll be honest, I thought I was going to start another story when finding one online that inspired me to write another different one, but I didn't. I did made a note on the idea and saved it in my files for a later date.

Anyway, on with the show!


A clear, starry night sky, and the sun's just barely rising over the seas horizon.

In his bedroom, Zuko sits peacefully with his eyes close meditating in front of a small table with four candles all lined in strait row and lit glowing steadily increases and decreases in time with Zuko's relaxed inhalations and exhalations continually brightening and dimming.

A few doors down the hall, Jake was also practicing his meditations he crack his eye open once or twice to see if the flames on the candles brightening and dimming in timing to his breathing. They were. Even Haley was getting the hang of it too.

Just then, Iroh cracks open the door and peeks through. Zuko opens his eyes and calmly said, "The only reason you should be interrupting me, is if you have news about the Avatar."

Iroh pushes open the door completely and enters the room, holding a rolled up scroll in his hands. "Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it. Don't get too upset." He said.

Sitting motionless, Zuko still assuming his meditative stance, and calmly reply, "Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it."

Tugging his small beard, Iroh hesitatingly said, "Okay then. We have no idea where he is."

And at that moment all of the flames on the candles suddenly erupt into a fiery mass, brushing the ceiling and obscuring Zuko from sight. "What!?" Zuko shouts enraged at the information he was given.

Zuko rises to his feet, still enraged while Iroh shields his face from the flames, and merely withdraws a fan from his robe and begins waving it to cool himself down, "You really should open a window in here."

"Give me the map!" Zuko snatches the scroll from Iroh's hand, and unrolls it, scanning over the parchment. "Well, there have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down." Iroh pointed out.

True to Iroh's words, the map in Zuko's hands had several locations marked down with zigzagged lines connecting each point. "How am I going to find him, Uncle?" Zuko says with desperation in his voice, "He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering."

"Maybe something will come up?" Zuko and Iroh turns to see Jake and Fu standing by the door, "You did say that once word get's out every firebender will try to capture the Avatar before you. And Words do travel fast, so if some people spread the word of where he is then that's where we'll go." Said Fu Dog.

"Jake, good morning." Iroh greeted the fourteen year old and his animal guardian dog, "Did you manage to contact your grandfather?" Iroh asked Jake's trip to the dreamscape worked out.

Last Night, Jake did mange to re-enter his dreams again, and found the doors that leads to everyone's subconscious dreams. But all of the doors has everyone's names from THIS time period, which means he has to search farther down this endless maze of doors and dreams to find Gramps' dream door all over again.

Let's just hope this time he doesn't run into another chimera.

Jake explains what happened, and Zuko thought of using that charm for himself. But Fu stopped him. "Oh no, Don't even think about kid senior! I know that look! It's the same look when kid junior gents an idea, and by the end of the day it leads to trouble!"

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