Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The King of Omashu

This is going to be a short chapter, or at least I'm trying to have it be one.

I'm also going to put a count chart for every time Fu marks down how much Zuko and Jake are alike. (Both here in my story and just for the hype on the fandom on their shows)


After leaving Kiyoshi Island, it was back to square one with Zuko tracking the Avatar again.

But until anymore information of the avatar's whereabouts, it's best to help Jake, Haley, and Fu to learn more about their culture. Starting from the basics.

"Not bad, but you both need to be light on your brushes and don't let them take in a lot of ink." Iroh instructed them, "Yes, uncle Iroh." Jake and Haley said in unison.

Wright in Chinese calligraphy, reading and translating the words.

It was both easy and difficult for Jake and Haley. Easy because they recognized some of the characters that are still being used in their time period, hard because some of the characters are older and more traditional.

Plus, if they do manage to read and wright strongly enough. Then they can read their ancestor's scrolls back home!

'I just hope that I can remember them right once we get back.' Jake thought as he continue practicing his writing.

Time Skip

After Jake and Haley's calligraphy lessons were over, the Long family gathered in Iroh's chambers with a medium size cauldron that Jake bought from back at the harbor for Fu. Thankfully with Zuko's and Iroh's word to the crew they won't be disturbed on their next lesson.

"I can't believe we found some ingredients that everyone overlook back at the harbor." Said Fu Dog, "These babies are hard to come by, but now. Bow Woo!"

Iroh smiles at the happy dog, "I glad you're happy, but how useful are these plants?" Iroh asked.

Fu Dog explains, "They're part of ingredients for brewing up potions and charms to help in sticky situations. It could have been easier if we can get a location on a magical village, otherwise we'll be finding our own unicorn hairs and fairy and pixie dust."

Hearing the unworldly ingredients made Zuko realize how difficult it is for them to find the things they need, even if they're part of the equipment they need to fix the Uchrono Hourglass.

Suddenly, a thought had accrue to Iroh, "Actually. There might be away to get the ingredients you need."

Everyone turn to Iroh, "Really? How!?" Jake ask his ancestor uncle Iroh, "Prince Zuko, do you remember about the rumor of my disappearance?" Zuko nodded his head, "After my defeat at Ba Sing Se, I went on a year long journey into the Spirit World to find my beloved Lu Ten." Zuko's eyes widen with a mix of shock and sadness in them, "Uncle..." he whispers sorrowfully.

Seeing how sad Zuko and Iroh are at the moment, it is clear to the Long siblings and Fu that this Lu Ten person was very close to Iroh and a strong possibility that he is Iroh's son which would make him Zuko's cousin.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Iroh continues. "My journey in the Spirit World to find Lu Ten wasn't successful, however I have encountered a lot of interesting spirits and creatures living there. Perhaps they might be willing to help you."

"Do you think you can get us to the Spirit World?" Jake says eagerly, which quickly faded away when Iroh shook his head, "No, it's a dangerous risk to get in and out that world unharmed for a mortal being such as we, some don't even make it back alive, or they'll be lost in there forever. Only the avatar is capable of entering the Spirit World since he is the bridge between our worlds."

Jake, Haley, and Fu Dog shared an understanding look with Zuko, "Looks like we're on right trail then." Said Jake, "We'll both get what we want, and everyone goes home happy."

"But for now since you two are kind of new to the magical world. It's time for some good ol' education! A-Goo-Goo!" Fu Dog says as he starts writing down a list of all source of magical creatures in thirteen categories.

1 Deities

2 Demons

3 Dragons

4 Elves

5 Fairy folk

6 Goblinoids

7 Humanoids

8 Humans

9 Invertebrates

10 Mythological hybrids

11 Sea monsters and other mythical sea creatures

12 Serpents

13 Other

"It would have been easier if we had some of our books back home but want are ya' gonna do when you're stuck 20,000 years in the past?" said Fu Dog as he mopes on his lack of no books of spells or monsters.

"Is it because they have detailed illustrations in them?" Iroh ask, "Yes, and the books are enchanted, so that you can see how the description acts." Fu Dog replied.

A little surprised at books being enchanted, Zuko turns back to his reading. Seeing that deities as number one while dragons are at third, it would make sense to put the Avatar there as well.

Some of these sounded like everyday animals here, but if by chance they find one of these creatures, then they might be a step closer to finding away home for Jake, Haley, and Fu.

But deep in Zuko's heart, he knew that he has to keep this away from everyone. If it means to protect them from all harm.

Including from his own father.


And we are done!

This is the shortest chapter I have ever done in a long time. I'm glad how this story is turning out.

Fu Dog's number count on Zuko and Jake being so alike (8 or 9)

1: They have the same voice.(duh)
2: Their facial appearance are similar. (Jake looks like a younger version of Zuko if you change the hair style a bit.)
3: They have a prodigy little sister. (but one of them is a psychopath)
4: They have fire in their souls.(Inner fire and dragon fire)
5: They struggle in their studies.
6: They are quick to anger.
7: They despise people who have a huge ego, full of themselves, and enjoy putting others down before them they see as weaklings. (Zhao and Brad)
8: They love and care for the animals with a passion.
9: They have a strong desire to protect others.

PREVIEW: Jake's firebending training shifts tolearning swordplay with Zuko's dao blades.

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