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Where It All Began


A bitter metallic taste filled Jael's mouth, but the taste did nothing to stop her from chewing on her lip. Her eyes trained on the two-way mirror in front of her, watching as the figure inside sat at the metal table, staring blankly at the glass.

A steely look filled his features as he stared straight ahead. No doubt expecting it to be police officers that stood on the other side of the glass, looking for any sign of weakness in him. He didn't have the faintest idea that staring right back at him was the seventeen-year-old girl he had grown up alongside. The girl that his father had practically taken in after her own father had skipped town following her mother's death. The same girl he had helped educate about cars and racing. The same girl he had woken up alongside in bed that same morning.

"Miss Lappin?" She forced herself to look away from the glass at the officer's voice. Turning around to find him holding out the ID she'd given him when she got there. A fake-- one of many-- that identified her as one twenty-five year old Isabel Lappin.

"Took you long enough," Jael scoffed, slipping the fake ID into her purse.

"Sorry," the office offered a half-hearted apology. "Little short staffed here today. I'm sure you can understand--"

"What I can understand is that I've been here for almost half an hour and have yet to be able to speak with my client." She cut him off with a hard glare. "Now can I see him or are you going to continue to infringe on his Miranda rights?"

"Of course not, right this way." The officer cleared his throat as he moved around her, opening the door that led the way into the room the boy was being held.

"In private, please." Jael stressed. The sound of her voice causing the young man's head to turn away from the glass for the first time. His brows raising just the slightest at the sight of the teenager dressed in a white button-up, navy skirt and blazar combo, and black heels.

"Right," the officer shot the young man a warning look before he closed the door behind him, making sure to turn off the speaker for the room as he left to provide the lawyer and her client some privacy.

"What are you doing here, J?" Dominic 'Dom' Toretto questioned.

"Well someone had to try and knock some sense into you," Jael rolled her eyes as she set her purse down on the table. She pursed her lips as her eyes scanned over the young man sitting in front of her. Taking in the not-so-subtle bags resting under his eyes, making him looks almost a decade older than he was. It didn't take long before her gaze settled on his hands, noticing how they were in worse condition than the last time she had seen him. His hands which were only only marred with grease now had a faint crimson hue in places from where blood had once painted his skin. It addition, there were a few cuts sprinkled about. "What the hell are you doing here, Dom?"

"Mia called," he scoffed.

"Someone had to," she countered instantly. "You were arrested Dom. They're saying you beat some guy half to death--"

"Not just some guy. Linder," he clarified for her.

"Shit," the swear fell from her lips at the name. It was almost as if Dom could see her deflate slightly as she took a seat on the edge of the table, her leg brushing against his knee due to their close proximity. "Dom..."

"What the hell are you even doing here?" He repeated his earlier question. "How'd you get them to let you in here?"

"Didn't you know? I'm your lawyer," she offered a weak smile, her words earning a chuckle.

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