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Where the Fucking Date Is Here

A frown seemed to nag at the corners of Catalina's lips as she moved around the dining room that evening. Her eyes darting towards the clock that rest on the wall behind the bar every so often, watching as her shift seemed to slip away. Each passing minute bringing her impending 'date' with Han all that closer.

"You look like you're gonna be sent to your death any second, woman." Tej commented from the stool he'd claimed for himself at the bar, Suki right beside him. "It's a date, not the end of the world."

"He's right," Suki offered her friend a smirk. Her thin brows wiggling as she added, "Maybe this guy can help put a bounce back in your step."

"I'm fine being bounce-less." Catalina assured the pair as she slipped behind the bar. Contemplating whether or not to pour herself a heavy-handed drink. "In case you've both forgotten-- I don't date."

"Which is a real shame," Tej offered his own two sense. "You know how many guys around here would like to get it on with you? You'd have guys lined up the block if they knew you were open to dating."

"And I worked damn hard to make it clear that I wasn't open to it when I moved here," Catalina fired back. It was the truth. When the woman had first moved to Florida years earlier, she had found herself being asked out time and time again. No matter how many times she told guys no, they never seemed to get the message through their heads. At least, not until the woman had taken it upon herself to take a tire iron to one man's leg when he pushed his luck a little too far for the woman's liking. After that most of the men around Miami seemed to finally get the hint, opting to keep their distance from the Seymour woman in hopes of avoiding any bodily harm.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll manage to scare this guy off within an hour," Suki teased.

"Or maybe it'll take the whole night," Tej shot his girlfriend a pointed look.

"Idiots," Catalina scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the couple in front of her. "What's the bet?"

"What bet?" Tej played dumb.

"The bet you two dumbasses made about my date. What is it?" Catalina pressed.

"Hundred bucks if you make him run for the hills within an hour." Suki admitted her own part of the bet. Never having any doubt in the other woman's ability to intimidate men.

"And you?" Catalina raised a brow at the Parker man.

"You two get through the date before you wind up kicking his ass," Tej offered a weak smile.

"Ambos son idiotas." Catalina muttered under her breath.

"I just don't get why you're so worked up," Suki voiced her own confusion. "I mean, I understood why you didn't date when JD was a baby. But he's six now, what's stopping you from getting back out there? Having a little fun now and again?"

"Don't you think it's possible that I'm happy with how my life is now?" Catalina challenged. "Can't I be happy having the life I do now? Having my boy and all of my friends here?"

"But what's gonna happen when JD grows up and has a life of his own?" Tej pointed out. "Your life can't revolve around that boy forever."

"Hence where the friends come in." A playful smile spread across Catalina's lips as she reached across the bar, giving both of their hands a small pat.

"So we're stuck with your ass for forever?" Tej looked less than impressed by the idea. But before either woman had a chance to comment on his words, their attention was pulled away by the sound of the door opening. All three of the friends turning towards the door, spotting Han's familiar face making his way inside.

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