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Where the Ass is Handed


The smallest of smirks filled Catalina Seymour's lips as she weaved her way through the crowded Miami street. Her long mousy colored locks pulled back from her face in a tight bun while her sharp blue eyes scanning over her surroundings as she meandered about. The way her black heeled boots clicked against the pavement made certain that men and women alike looked her way as she went.

Several grumbles and a number of whistles were shot the woman's way, but she paid no attention to any of them. Having long since grown used to the catcalls and comments that most women had thrown their way at scenes such as this one. After all, when it came to the world of racing women were expected to merely smile and shove their tits out. Nothing more than arm candy for the 'real' racers that ran the scene.

"There's my girl!" The all too familiar voice of one Tej Parker caught the Seymour woman's attention. Her smirk widened a fraction at the sound of her friend's voice, easily managing to spot the man with the thanks of the afro he sported and the bright white jumpsuit he was still wearing from work.

"Last I checked I wasn't no man's girl." Catalina playfully retorted as she reached his side, the man throwing an arm over her shoulders. "Besides, doesn't that title belong to Miss Suki?"

"You ain't wrong," Tej chuckled at the thought of the Japanese woman he'd been seeing off and on for the last couple of years. "So where's JD tonight?"

"Deanna offered to watch him. Apparently they're having movie and sugar night," a chuckle fell from the woman's lips at the thought of her strong-willed friend spending a whole night eating junk food and watching cheesy movies. "You know, I never really know who's in charge when those two are together."

"Oh, JD is, no question." He responded without missing a beat. "So, how're things going tonight? You just watching or are you tryin' to get in on the action?"

"Not sure yet," she offered a small shrug of her shoulders. "Anyone worth my time here? It's starting to get old, kicking Orange's ass time and time again."

As the pair of friends chatted between themselves, neither of them noticed a particular pair of eyes following them as they wandered about. Sitting on the hood of his 1970 Plymouth Road Runner GTX, the raven haired man simply watched the pair, unable to hear what was being said between them. His dark orbs taking in every detail about the unfamiliar woman as he took a drag from his cigarette. His gaze lingering on the way her maroon top and dark jeans clung to her lean frame.

"Me and Suki? Are you asking for her to slap you or something?" He listened to the laugh that fell from woman's lips as the pair passed by his car. The sound causing the corners of his lips to curve upwards; finding the woman's apparent confidence attractive all on its own.

"How about me?" The man asked, his cigarette resting between his fingers. At his question Tej and Catalina both came to a halt, turning around to get a look of the stranger.

"Who the hell are you?" Tej questioned, not recognizing the other man from any of the other races he'd helped organize.

"Han," the raven haired stranger only offered his first name, his gaze lingering on the woman in front of him while her own focus was on his car. "And you are..."

"Tej and this is--" Tej was cut off by a swift elbow to the ribs from Catalina.

"What do you got?" Catalina asked a question of her own as she finally met Han's gaze, her eyes slightly narrowed.

"Two-K good enough?" Han offered. She shared a glance with Tej at the offer, a silent conversation passing between the friends before the man finally nodded.

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