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Where Judgments are Challenged


Catalina pulled her leg close to her chest, her chin resting on top of her knee as she sat in a lawn chair just outside Tej's shop. A small smile gracing her lips as she watched JD unload his water gun on the mechanic. The grown man's face went slack at the sudden blast to his face, clearly not having expected the six-year-old to take such a shot.

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be?" Tej playfully narrowed his eyes at the boy, already starting to pump his own gun. A squeal escaped JD's lips as he hurried away from the man who ran right after him.

"Here." A bottle of water appeared before Catalina's face, forcing her attention away from the scene in front of her to look up at where Suki was holding out the drink.

"Thanks," Catalina accepted the drink as Suki claimed the empty chair beside her.

"So, since the kids are preoccupied..." Suki's eyes trailed over to where Tej and JD were still happily entertained with their own little game. "We have time for you to catch me up."

"Catch you up?" Catalina raised a thin brow.

"Oh, you're too smart to play dumb," Suki scoffed. "You and Mr. Dark-and-Handsome went out two days ago and you've yet to say a word. I need details, woman!"

"It was a date. What is there to say?" Catalina only offered a shrug of her shoulders. Honestly, she was surprised that she had managed to go so long without the other woman cornering her for details sooner. After all, Suki wasn't one known for her respect of boundaries or privacy.

"Don't make me kick your ass in front of your kid," Suki threatened. 

"What do you want to know?" A sigh escaped the mother's lips, knowing there was no way to avoid the conversation any longer.

"Everything," a grin spread across Suki's lips. Leaning back in her chair, almost resembling a child eager for story time. "Where'd you guys end up going?"

"To some fair. We rode some rides and ate some fried shit that's still sitting heavy in my stomach," Catalina shared with the raven-haired woman. "Afterwards he dropped me back off at my car at the restaurant. End of story."

"Really?" Suki arched a brow, clearly not believing the simplicity of the story.

"What's that look for?" Han couldn't help but laugh when he saw the way Catalina's face had twisted up when the vender passed him their food. The man had taken it upon himself to order for the duo, selecting a couple of beers, pizza cones, cheese curds, and a turkey leg.

"It looks like you're prepping for a coronary." Catalina clicked her tongue at the food selection. Though she still took the beers, letting him juggle the food as they made their way towards an empty picnic table nearby. "Seriously, weren't you ever taught to eat some vegetables now and again?"

"Funny," he rolled his eyes. "Figured you'd forgive eating over smoking."

"You're not wrong," she hummed. "You know, they say it helps you quit smoking if you keep your hands busy."

"Really?" He mulled over her words for a moment. Thinking back to her confession in the car earlier that afternoon, of how she used to smoke herself. "How'd you keep your hands busy then?"

"A couple of different ways. Cooking. Poker. Boxing," the corners of her lips curved upwards at the last word, as did his. "Whatever kept me from going out to buy a pack when I found myself overwhelmed at home."

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