Sarada Returns!

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These last four years changed my life. It was my father's idea to take me away and train my sharingan. I finally unlocked my third tomoe by the way. Dad still won't tell me what the mangekyou sharingan is. He says he hopes I'll never have to unlock it. I think he says that because he doesn't want me to surpass him haha. Never mind that, today is the day I go home. Four long years. I finally get to see mom. I've missed her home cooking so much. She's probably beautiful as ever. Sometimes I wished I looked like her. I missed my friends, my team especially. I wonder how they've been holding up without me. Did they replace me? Is she better than me? Do they have more chemistry with her than they did with me? Guess we'll find out.

I approached the gates to Konoha. Gosh I'm so excited and nervous.
"Sarada you go on ahead. I have to check in with Naruto. I'll see you at home."
"okay papa,"
The first person I wanted to see was my mom, but it was noon so she was most likely at the hospital. We decided not to tell her we were coming home because we wanted to surprise her. She'll probably be tired after her shift. I should make her dinner. I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for tonight. I was looking at the price of rice when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.
It was Cho Cho. She dropped her potato chips and ran over to hug me.
"It so good to see you Sarada! You've gotten so mature!" She looked me up and down.
"You too! You've gotten curvier, and your outfit compliments your body so well!" She blushes at my compliments.
"Who have you met so far?"
"Just you." She smiles.
"As you should. I'm the only person you need besides your parents of course." I giggled at her remark.
After catching up with Cho Cho I went back to the apartment and set the groceries on the counter.

Boruto's POV:
Mitsuki and I just came back from our mission and we're on our way to report back. I walked in the room and I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Mr Sasuke?!" I said
"Oh, boruto." He said nonchalantly. "I see you've gotten taller, good for you."
I gave him a sour look. Why does everyone pick on my height?
"Since you're back Sasuke does that mean Sarada is too?" asked Mitsuki.
"Yeah, but it's best to see her tomorrow. We wanted to spend tonight as a family." He said. "We'll I'm off. Keep me posted Naruto." He walked out the door.
"Jeez he acts like he never left." I crossed my arms.
"Yeah that's Sasuke for you." My dad said and he was ready to hear our report.

Sarada's POV:
Dad helped set the table while I cooked for the three of us tonight.
"You know you didn't have to cook everything yourself Sarada." He said.
I laughed. "Dad you know what an awful cook you are. Do you remember when you burnt the fish?"
He face palms. "Yeah, We spent 3 hours trying to catch that fish." I laughed and a little smile formed in the corner of his mouth.
We heard the door handle unlock. We looked at each other and sat in our spots.
"Shanaroo I need a bath."
"Hi mama."
"Hey Sarada. Wait SARADA?" She looked in front of me. "S-SASUKE?!" She ran and hugged the both of us, her being in the middle.
"Oh I'm so happy to see my precious daughter and husband." I laughed "We missed you too mama."
Tonight was amazing. The table being filled with laughter, teasing, and some flirting between my parents. Gross. All the more I'm so happy to be home. In my bed. And I can't wait for tomorrow.

The Next Day:
"I'm heading out! See you at dinner!" I made plans to hang out with Cho Cho this afternoon. We were going shopping because she wanted to pick out a dress for her birthday party this weekend.
"How do think my boobs like in this Sarada?"
"Hm why? Are you looking to impress a certain someone?" She blushed. Cho cho has had a crush on Mitsuki ever since he came to Konoha.
"It's not nice to tease Sarada." I laughed.
"Which reminds me. Aren't you going to pick an outfit to impress a certain someone?" She snickered.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said.
"Yeah sure. I know you have a thing for boruto ever since you guys were placed on the same team."
I scoffed. "No way! Boruto is arrogant and annoying. He's so irritable." I aggressively said.
"Say what you want. Everyone knows you guys are a perfect match." I rolled my eyes at her response. Me and Boruto? HA! That's a good one.
"You'll change your mind when you see him though. He's gotten handsome, taller, his voice even got deeper. Every girl swoons over him now." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested now, but I can't let Cho Cho know that.
"Didn't all the girls swoon over him when we were kids?" I asked
"Yeah, I guess you're right. LOOK AT THIS SARADA!"

After 9 stores later she finally chose her dress. We stood in line for a yakisoba bun when a few familiar faces approached us.
"Is that Sarada Uchiha?" I turned toward the voice and approaching were Shikadai, Inojin, Wasabi, Namida, Denki, and Iwabee.
"Hey guys!"
Everyone awe?
"Wow Sarada! You're freaking gorgeous!" Exclaimed Namida.
"Yeah! Your hair is so long and silky! And you're as fit as ever!" Said Wasabi in admiration.
"Jeez Sarada watch the whole village swoon over you. You're gonna be the talk of the class." Said Shikadai.
"Yeah even Boruto might fall in love with you." Said Denki.
I erupted with laughter at Denki's comment. "Seriously Denki you could be a comedian. Speaking of which where is Mitsuki and Boruto?" I questioned.
"Oh they're out on another mission today. They should be back this weekend." Said Shikadai.
"Well they better be back for my birthday. Otherwise I'll pound them to the ground." Cho cho said evily.
The boys looked at her cowardly. That's their cue to leave. Cho cho and I spent the rest of the day together and I headed home for dinner.
"Hey sweetie how was your day with Cho Cho?" asked my mom.
"It was great. I missed her. We gossiped about her birthday party this weekend. I promised to help her set it up."
"That's good sweetie. I made miso soup for dinner."

Dinner was good and I can finally climb into bed with my thoughts. I was a little upset because I met everyone already except for Boruto and Mitsuki. I missed them both. Even Boruto. I missed picking on Boruto with Mitsuki. It was so funny. I missed Boruto's ocean blue eyes. Bluer than the seventh's. The way he always tried to take leadership even though he knew he couldn't compete with me. How his blonde hair fell perfectly on his face. Wait what? The hell am I saying? I really need to get some sleep.

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