Tell me you love me

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Boruto's POV:
I saw her fighting the tears in her eyes when I told her she wasn't who she used to be. It wasn't true. She was the same girl as she was back then. That fiery attitude is what I liked about her. She was always challenging someone, she wasn't afraid. After all, she was one of the first people to call me out on my bullshit. I liked it when she put me in my place, it was attractive as hell. She knows she can't win against me but is yet willing to do it anyway. Fight her? Fighting her is almost the last thing I ever want to do. I can't believe Sumire is blackmailing me. If she wasn't I would've defended Sarada. God I'm such a jackass.

After Sarada stormed away I turned to Sumire.
"What the hell were you thinking? A match with Sarada? You really think you can beat her? Jesus, the only reason why you riled her up was because you knew I would've stopped her."
"Are you seriously taking HER side!?"
"She was right you know. I can't believe I had to defend you, I sounded like a moron."
She crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.
"God what is so special about her that she's got you wrapped around her little finger? I've been with you for YEARS! And yet I could never live up to her!"
"That's the problem! You're NOT her."
I turned on my heel but she grabbed my arm.
"So that's it? One argument and you're ready to jump into her arms?"
"This ain't an argument. This is me breaking up with you."
I shrugged her hand off of my arm
"And start whatever rumors you want about us. I don't give a damn, but her? You better watch your back."
I picked up my feet one after the other and began walking towards the woods. Ready to find my girl.

Back to Sarada's Pov:
I finally stopped crying. I headed towards a large rock to sit on.
I felt so much better. I looked up to the bright moon. I've always liked the moon more than the sun. Something about it calms me and brings me peace.

I heard a branch crack a few meters away from me.
"Who's there?" I questioned
A figure came from the darkness and into the moonlight.
He had a sad look in his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets.
"What are you doing here?" He walked towards me maintaining eye contact.
"I came to apologize to you...about everything."
I crossed my arms and looked away from him.
"Alright let's hear it." He took a deep breath
"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. You were right for telling Sumire off. What she did was not okay and I've spoken to her about it." He sat next to me and I looked at my feet still not wanting to look at him.
"Most importantly I'm sorry for ruining our friendship. You have to understand that was something I never wanted to do. You're too important to me."
"Then why did you do it?"
"...Sumire threatened to spread rumors about you to ruin your perfect image of being Hokage if I didn't cut you out of my life."
"Rumors? What kind of rumors?"
"She would've twisted the situation with me and you in the tent that night. She knew you didn't want that to get out. A rumor that you slept with someone else's boyfriend would make people question your loyalty."
I was filled with anger. I knew she was a snake but this? She's done it now.
He grabbed my hand and I didn't pull away.
"Sarada, ever since I saw you at that party all I've done was think about you. You're on my mind all day and when you left at dinner all I wanted to do was go after you."
"Then why did you say you only wanted Sumire at Cho cho's house?"
"I tried to convince myself that she was the one I wanted. But when I saw you I wanted nothing more than for you to be by my side and not Sumire."
"But that's so messed up. How can you leave her in an instant when you've been with her for years?"
He looked away from me and stared at his feet.
"Things haven't been great between us for a while. I know every couple goes through a rough patch but I was tired of it. I wasn't in love with her, and maybe that was the problem. Don't get me wrong I do love her, but not in that way." He brought his eyes to mine and looked at me with eyes full of passion.
"I'm in love with you. I always have been."
I was speechless. He's in love with me? I was trying to process what he said but before I could, he put his hand on the back of my neck and brought my face closer to his. His touch sent goosebumps down my skin and my breathing quickened. I closed my eyes and he gently kissed me. My heart raced a thousand miles and I just melted into him. He kissed me with so much love and I loved it.
I pulled away from him and he stared into my eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and said, "I love you too Boruto"
He smiled and pulled my legs onto his lap with his arm around my back.
"It's always been you" he said.

The sun was rising and I was laying on Boruto's chest. I can feel his heart beating on my cheeks. Knowing he was calm made me calm. God I could stay like this forever.
"I don't want to be that girl but...what does this mean for us?" He paused like he was trying to find the answer himself.
"We're dating. Not necessarily a couple just yet, but we're seeing each other."
"And why aren't we a couple?"
"Because when I ask you to be my girlfriend I want it to be special. I want to plan it. Now just doesn't seem to be a good time."
I raised my head and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"You're so sweet."
I pursed my lips together struggling how to ask him what I want to next.
"What is it?"
"I know this weird for me to ask but, can we keep us a secret?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion
"Why? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"
"No it's not that. It's just when we get back to the village Sumire will tell everyone that you two broke up and all the girls will be consoling her. She'll put on a heartbroken act and if they see us together it won't look so good. It'll be drama after drama. I just want to wait until it cools down a little and once it does we can tell all our friends."
He nodded his head "Okay I understand. If this is what you want then I respect it."
I smiled "And I'm not embarrassed by you. If anything I want nothing more than to tell the whole world that I'm dating Boruto Uzumaki"

3 weeks had passed since our mission and things have been a little crazy. Boruto and I have been sneaking around together. Friends during the day and lovers at night. I'd like to say it wasn't hard but I'd be lying. Since everyone knows Boruto is single again there's not a day goes by where a girl is flirting with him. Guess they've been waiting for this day. I know shouldn't be jealous especially when I'm the one he's in love with.

Boruto's Pov:
It's kind of weird having all of these girls come up to me flirting in front of Sarada. I know it can't be easy for her, but to be fair this is how she wanted it. But just because it's happening doesn't mean I have to entertain them. Every time a girl comes up to me I don't even look at her. My attention immediately goes to Sarada. The whole time my eyes never leave her.
Aside from that, all the guys have been telling me how great it is that I'm finally "free". They've been coming up with all of these trips to take just us guys. And as much as I want to have a guys night I always turn them down just to see her later that night.

Back to Sarada's Pov:
Sumire was moping around the village for a week and then turned back to normal. What a phony. She only likes the attention people give her. She was probably just parading Boruto around all the other girls because he was the one all the girls wanted. Makes me sick.
On the bright side she didn't spread any rumors about me. Wonder what made her change her mind....

~That same night~

We usually don't sneak around at his house because of Hinata's byakugan. My parents aren't home so I brought Boruto over. I laid on the bed reading a book while he was playing on his gameboy.
"Hey Sarada can I ask you something?"
"What is it?" He scratched the back of his head
"We'll you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable, I'm just curious."
"How did you unlock your third tomoe?" I closed my book and sat up.
"We' was a traumatizing experience. To sum it up, my dad told me about our clan." Boruto got up and sat next to me on the bed with the most attentive look on his face.
"He told me that my uncle had slaughtered our clan. Dad was so angry that he lived for solely one reason: to kill him, his brother. And when he finally did....he regretted it heavily." Tears started to roll down my cheeks.
"You don't have to keep going if you don't want to." He wiped away my tears and pulled me into a hug.
"No, you should hear this. He is your Sensei after all."

So I told him everything. How my dad showed me what happened through his sharingan, about the ultimatum Itachi was given, how Itachi saved the world, why my father's ideals were so messed up, and how lord seventh saved my father's soul.

Sarada Returns Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon