Dinner with the Uzumakis

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Two weeks have passed since the mission. Boruto and I are still friends but it was awkward. We weren't being our usual selves with each other. We kind of been keeping our distance. I get it though. He has a girlfriend and that's something I have to respect so I'm backing off.
We got invited to have dinner at the Uzumaki residence. I always enjoyed going because Hinata always makes her specials. Her cooking is just so damn good!
I asked mom who else was attending and she said it was only us 3.
I went to my room, got changed, and we walked. Mom brought a pie because she hates showing up empty handed. I walked with papa making fun of his little braid in the back of his head. (He lost a bet so I braided his hair)
We knocked on the door and Naruto greeted us. He high-fived me for my masterpiece of a braid. We walked in and I sat in the couch. My mom went to help Hinata as the food wasn't ready yet. Hima cane out and stopped in her tracks when she saw me.
"SARADA!" She yelled and she bolted towards me. I smiled and braced myself. She jumped on me and gave me a hug with all her strength.
"I missed you!" She said.
I hugged her back and said "I missed you too Hima!"
I can hear Mom and Hinata's awe's from the kitchen. Papa and Naruto smiled at us.
She took me to her room to catch up. We both sat on the bed facing each other.
"So how was training?" She asked
"Training? That's so boring. Let's talk about boys. Who are you crushing on" I raised my brow in a playful way to get her to spill. She smiles in embarrassment.
"I'm torn between two guys."
I widen my eyes and lean closer. "Who?"
She softly says "Inojin and Kawaki" I'm in shock
"Kawaki?" I instantly laugh. "You're into bad boys huh?" I teased. "Well there's something I have to tell to tell you about Kawaki.." Her embarrassment goes away and she sits straight ready to hear what Im about to tell her.
"He kissed me at Cho Cho's birthday party.."
Her face dropped. She shrugged her shoulders and said "I'm not mad at you, it's not your fault. Besides he doesn't know so I have nothing to be upset over."
I can see the hurt in her face. Boys can suck.
"Inojin also kissed someone else but I'm only telling you because Kawaki kissed me. I didn't want you thinking I betrayed you for not telling you."
She smiled and gave me a hug. "I love you Sarada." I hugged her back. "Love you too Hima."
She broke the hug and asked me in a serious tone "Who's caught your eye ever since you came back?"
"No way. I'm not telling you" She smiled. "It's big brother isn't it?" I was taken back what she said.
"Wha-What? Of course not! Why would I like an idiot?" She laughed. "I can tell these things about you. Plus I always rooted for you guys since I was younger." I face palmed. Do I make it obvious? Oh crap. Suddenly we heard giggling across the hall. It sounded like a girls.
"Sumire must be here" Said Hima
"I thought it was only going to be our families tonight?"
She shook her head. "She's always here. She'll be joining us for dinner."

We all went into the other dining room because the table in there is bigger. Hima and I were the last to join. There two seats left. One beside Boruto and another beside Hinata. I made my way beside Hinata but Hima beat me to it. Damn her.
I took my place beside Boruto and served my plate.
The grown ups were playing catch up, Boruto and Sumire were flirting, and the rest of us were eating in silence. Kawaki was in front of me so I decided to have a little fun. I shocked him with a little lightning and he jumped.
"What the hell? What was that for?"
"Pay back"
It took him a moment to realize what I was talking about. He laughed and said "Wanna try again?"
I furrowed my eyebrows and sent a shock that hurt him a little more.
"OUCH!" He silently yelled.
The grown ups looked toward our way to see what had happened.
"He caught a cramp" I told them. They went back to their conversation and I giggled. Sarada 1 Kawaki 0.
Boruto and Sumire noticed our behavior and stopped their conversation.
"You and Kawaki would a cute couple" Sumire suggested. I turned and looked at Hima. She looked hurt by Sumire's words.
"We'd have to actually like each other for that to happen" I said. Hima's face lighten up a little after hearing my words. Kawaki laughed and Boruto was...quiet. Why does he never react? Drives me insane.
Dinner was over and I helped clean up. My mom insisted on washing the dishes and everyone went to the living room to digest their food.
"Mom, how much longer are we staying here?" I yelled from the dining room to the kitchen.
"Maybe 2 or 3 hours more"
I nodded and continued to grab the rest of the dirty plates when a hand grabbed my arm.
"I'll take those don't worry about it." I turned and Boruto stood beside me. One hand in his pocket while he leaned on the table.
"It's fine, it's only a few more dishes left." I told him.
I stacked the plates and continued on my way. He got in front of me and stopped me. He took the plates from my hand and put them on the table.
"I need to talk to you Sarada." His tone sounded serious. I adjust my glasses then folded my arms across my chest.
"Firstly I just wanted to apologize how weird I've been acting towards you. I overstepped my boundaries with you that night and messed everything up. I'm sorry for making it awkward between us."
I shook my head. "No it's not just your fault. I overstepped boundaries too. I should've respected your relationship."
He unfolded my arms and held my hands. What's going on? He took deep breath and locked eyes with me.
"Sumire thinks that I have feelings for you."
As he said that my heart started to beat faster. Really? Does he like me too?
"-and because of her assumptions, she asked me to break my bond with you."
My heart dropped. My chest felt heavy. I can feel my heart breaking like someone is ripping them apart. I yanked my hands from his and I slapped him.
"Are you serious Boruto?!" I was fucking furious.
"You're choosing her? The girl you've only been dating for a YEAR?!" I was so angry I started crying.
"We're childhood friends! I've been there for you since day ONE! *I* was there to comfort you when you were upset about your dad coming home! *I* was there to hear you complain about your father who was STILL HERE! When you got hurt *I* was the one who patched you up! I almost fucking DIED for you 4 years ago!" I started to hyperventilate.
"I did everything for you! And now you want to throw everything away for her?! What's so special about her that you're willing to throw away A DECADE for our friendship?!"
"Sarada" He took a step forward but I backed away.
"NO! Don't even come closer! Stay away from me Boruto!" I felt like I needed to punch something. I'm feeling a wave of emotions and I don't know how to control them.
"What upsets me even more is the thought that you didn't fight for me. Was everything you said in the tent a lie? Was it to only temporarily make me feel better? Did I ever matter to you?" I feel pathetic. Fighting for a guy who would never fight for me. I guess this friendship was always one sided.
"Of course-"
"Save it. Fuck you and your.." I couldn't finish my sentence when tears started flooding my eyes to the point I couldn't see. I needed to go home. I ran out the dining room and out the front door. I didn't stop running until I made it home.

Boruto's POV:
I saw the hurt in her eyes. The look of betrayal was written all over her face. Her beautiful dark eyes were filled with tears. I didn't know what to do. I mean what can I possibly do after I told her our friendship was off? The last thing I wanted was to hurt her. I mean I VOWED to protect her and I'm doing the complete opposite. The night we shared a tent I meant everything I said to her. But that night my view of her changed. She's fucking stunning. I started to feel something for her. Of course I told Sumire because it wouldn't be fair to her. She threatened that I break it off with Sarada or she'd ruin her image. She would tell everyone I cheated on her when I shared a tent with Sarada. I wouldn't give a damn if she tried to ruin mine. But I would never let her ruin Sarada's. I know how much being Hokage means to her. I'm not going to let Sumire get in the way of that. I had to break her heart to protect her. If it means that I have to stay with Sumire then so be it. I can handle a little blackmail.
She ran out the door and everyone immediately looked at me. My father was furious. He got up and fast walked over to me.
"What did you say to Sarada!?" He yelled.
I pushed him away from me and shot back "It's none of your business! It's between me and her!" I went out the door and slammed it. I put my hands in my pockets and took a walk.
I was on top of the thunder train feeling my hair fly back from the wind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She's barely been here for a month and I already screwed things up. I hope she'll understand why I did it though.
It's all because of Sumire's stupid jealously. She's never acted like this. I mean yeah there's been girls who have flirted with me while I was with Sumire, but she never acted out of character. She didn't even care that the girls were flirting with me because my heart belonged to her. Now that Sarada's back, why is she acting so absurd? Is it jealousy? Why would there be a need to be jealous? And why of her of all people?


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