Momoshiki's Visit

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I couldn't sleep after our conversation. My dad's past started flowing through my head all over again. The first time he showed me, I couldn't eat for days. I can't imagine what it was like for him.
I turned to look over at Boruto who was sound asleep. How can he sleep after that?  Is he human? I stare at the ceiling trying to think of an activity to pass the time. Maybe a book?
I got up and looked through my shelves.
"Hey you, with the evil eyes"
I turned quickly and saw Boruto's karma light up. A hologram of Momoshiki spilled out of his hand.
"Uchiha Sarada. I've been watching you." My heart was beating out of fear. I felt a lump in my throat.
"Don't be afraid. I wanted to have a little chat." He smiled maliciously.
"What do you want?" I gripped my shirt to comfort me.
"How does it feel to be cursed into a clan of hatred?"
"Hatred?" I asked
"Why yes child. How do you think those eyes came to be?" I look at him with confusion.
"Oh my, you don't know? Those eyes evolve out of hatred. Your clan was always in competition to see who's eyes were more powerful. I heard your uncle killed his best friend just to evolve his sharingan."
I shook my head "No you're wrong"
"Oh am I? Tell me how did your father get his eyes again?" Momoshiki laughed. "Exactly. You Uchihas are the worst of them all and I'm not just saying that because your father outwitted me." He circled around me
"I wonder how your eyes will evolve next. It's funny, I told the brat over there that his eyes will take everything from him. I know how his future will go down, but yours? My my, am I interested to find out.
Tell me girl, I'm curious, if anyone dare I say Boruto, were a threat to your family....what would you do?" He tapped his finger on his lips waiting for my answer.
"What are you talking about? Boruto would never do something like that. What are you implying?" I started to get angry.
"Who would you choose? Your lover, or your family?" He whispered in my ear. I stood still. His question sent chills throughout my body. I was stuck.
"Oh? You don't have the answer? I know I said I couldn't look into your future, but your decision plays a part in Boruto's future, in other words, I already know your choice"
Momoshiki disappeared, and left me with the question of the century.

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. I turned over to Boruto. He's still sleeping. I looked at the blonde boy next to me. His eyelashes were so fluffy and curled, his nose so straight and small. His lips looked so sweet I couldn't resist rubbing my thumb gently on them.
He woke up and smiled.
"What are you doing up so early?"
"It's not early, it's 11am"
"Oh crap really? Guess I was really tired."
"You should get going before your parents notice you're missing"
He groaned. "Alright"
He threw the covers off of him and had a leg out the window. He paused and turned to look at me. "What? No kiss?"
I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick peck. He jumped out the window and I watched him leave until he was no longer in sight. I closed my window and sighed. There's no way Boruto would harm my family. I convinced myself. Momoshiki is just trying to get inside my head. I won't let that happen.

It's been quiet in the Leaf village for a couple of weeks. Almost too quiet. I shouldn't be thinking like that but I just have this feeling.
*Alarms blaring*
"Attention everyone, someone has infiltrated the village. Please return to your homes immediately!"
Chaos. Villagers are running through the streets, shoving each other and knocking one another down. There's shinobi trying to gain control by trying to calm them down but it's only making it worse. I jumped on top the roof trying to find a familiar face. I find Mitsuki just a couple blocks away.
"Who infiltrated the village?"
"I don't know. Worse case scenario it could be code."
I clenched my fist to prevent my hands from shaking. I remember watching code fight dad and lord seventh. He had them both on the brink of death. Nothing terrifies me more than him. Definitely someone I wouldn't want to counter much less fight.
"Let's go find the others" I nodded and followed Mitsuki.
We split up on the training grounds. I went into the woods and I hear people yelling. I run towards the sounds and I find Kawaki and Boruto yelling at a woman. The woman was beautiful. She was hypnotizing. I stood from afar and admired her.
Before I knew it she stood behind me.
"What are you doing here? Leave."
"DON'T LOOK AT HER SARADA!" yelled Boruto.
I faced her. Her eyes weren't normal eyes. What the hell?
"Who are you?" I asked her
"Hm? Why aren't you obeying?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
She raised her hand and my first instinct was to get back and flash on my sharingan.
"You have some interesting eyes there. What are they called? Shuriken?" She tapped her index finger on her chin. "Oh that's right. Sharingan." Just as I was about to make a hand sign she launched towards me. In an instant Boruto came between us and slammed her on the ground.
"Get out of here!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the woods.
"What is going on, what are you doing!?"
"She's dangerous. You shouldn't be here."
"You lot are no fun." We stopped running and saw the woman a couple meters in front of us. She had Kawaki by the collar and threw him on the ground.
"Me coming here was such a mistake. I shouldn't have came." She dusts her hand off  in her shirt and takes a couple steps towards us.
"Are you two a couple?" We stayed silent.
"Well enjoy it while it lasts because I have no intention of letting you have him, Sarada."
And then she disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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