Chapter 9

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Shadow's POV
I'm freaking out. Ish stares at me with sadistic, evil eyes as I lay in the shallow grave. "What are you doing?!" I scream. He laughs as he grabs a shovel. I scramble to climb out of the grave.

When he notices I got out of the grave he growls at me. I turn around and run as fast as I can. My heart is beating fast and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I risk a chance to look behind me and realize it's a huge mistake. My pace slows down and he tackles me to the cold, hard ground.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he growls.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I cry. He smiles softly and rubs my cheek. I calm down as I look into his bright blue eyes. "Why?"

"To make you mine. To make you like me."

"What do you mean like you?" I ask in wonderment.

To answer my question he stands up and transforms right before my eyes. His eyes turn black. Black leathery wings spread from behind his back. He smiles to reveal fangs. Surrounding him is a black, swirling aura.

"You're a demon?!"

"I've always been a demon. Satan is my father. I was born a human. That is...until Kota broke the seal. I wasn't even aware of this until I changed."

"You want me to become a demon?"

"Yes. In order to become a demon you must be killed by a demon. You must have a fearful and torturously, long death. Then, to break the seal you must either have sex with a demon or someone tainted by the touch of a demon."

The last bit shocks me. It angers me to the very core. I get up and punch him hard. "You had sex with Kota?!"

He pushes me away from him. "He raped me. I told him no, but he wouldn't listen. He was drunk. I forgave him and if you care for me at all you'll forgive him, too."

Sighing I nod reluctantly. He holds out his hand and I grab it. We walk back to the grave and he pushes me back in. I lay in a coffin and he closes the lid. I hear him grunt and then I hear the dirt start to fall. I panic even though I know I'll be brought back. "Wait! How long?! When will I die?!"

"I don't really know. But, I have a camera in there. When I don't see you moving or breathing for a full twenty-four hours I'll come and bring you back!" I hear him yell. Then, the dirt continues to fall until I'm buried alive.

Ash's POV

What could that filthy, low life demon have been talking about? Never in my life have I kissed a demon. I would never do anything of the sort with a vile creature like that. Just thinking about it disgusts me.

For the first time in months I let my silver wings spread and I fly up into the heavens. I leave behind a trail of glistening sparkles. The wind blows into my face and through my hair. I feel absolutly free, but I know I'm not. I'm still in Jake's body until the time comes.

I wish none of that had ever happened. I wish none of this had to happen. Earth could be destroyed. Heaven could burst into flames. Hell could become the eternal place for all. People will die or corrupt under a demon's touch. Satan will control all. Unless we can stop it. But, first I must awaken the angels within.

Kota's POV

"You think I'll ever beg for you?! I won't!" I scream as Blood walks away.

"Don't you know? It's written in the fates, Kota. I know you're a demon. Even when you were human I knew. You knew as well. I know the Elders told you. But, you weren't suppossed to break the seal. Jake would have after I turned him. But, now the game has been changed and the players are different. me your true form Kota," Blood says, getting closer to me with every sentence.

I stand before him and transform into my true form. My eyes turn black with blue swirling within them. I feel my aqua blue wings spread out. Mist begins to fill the air as my dark blue aura surrounds me.

"What the fuck?" Blood questions.

"I'm a rare elemental demon. I control water. I can make you drown in your sleep. I can turn water into blades sharp enough to slit your wrists. I control death and water." Blood stares at me in shock. All the elemental demons are long past gone. I'm the first elemental demon to arrive in the past 200 years. But, I won't be the only one.

Ish's POV

I sit in my room as I watch Shadow. It's been four hours. He's finally noticed the tube in the coffin that leads outside to provide oxygen. That made him freak the fuck out. He would be dead by now without that tube, but now he'll live longer.

I watch him as he screams and kicks. I only hope that no one comes by and hears him. That would certainly ruin everything. Seeing the tears in his eyes saddens me. I hate knowing how scared he is.

I hear a loud noise as my door is slammed open. That's when I see him. My father. Not my human father either. It's Satan.

"Son!" he yells.

"Father?!" I ask in shock. I stare at him in his human form. Simple, long, black hair and sky blue eyes. Tall, slim and handsom.

"I see you're finally a demon."

"How do you know?"

"I've been keeping an eye on you. I also see you've let out another demon...on accident and that you're trying to complete the ritual to birth a new demon. A mate none the less."I nod as he leans against the wall. He seems deep in thought as he looks around my room.

"son, you are very special."


"Yes. You are my son. My birth son. Flesh and blood. Ish, you're a prince. The demon prince of Hell. You will be a warrior as well. You've felt it. The urge to fight. The urge to kill. The anger, The power. The strength. I've seen you fight."\

"Why are you telling me this? Why are you here now? After all the years you've abandoned me!" I feel everything he's said I've felt. I know it's true. I've always been a strong fighter. I was worthy of a black belt at the age of eight. The demon blood within me gave me incredible strength.

"I'm telling you this because soon you will have to fight for your life.You and your demon army. By breaking the seal you have started your transition into becoming your higher self. If you win...if you reach your highest will soon rule all."

With that said he left me. I felt a deep hatred burning within me for that man. But, he's been with me all this time. He was waiting for this moment. But, what will this moment lead to? I'm apparently the leader of a demon army. But, what does this mean? I guess it would mean a war is coming. but why? Who are we fighitng? What am I fighting for?

Sooo...for a dedication answer the following questions

1.) Who are the other angels?

2.) Do you think Ish's army will win or loose?

3.) Will Kota give in to Blood?

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