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{Lenora's Pov}

We walked to the entrance of the dungeon where we saw Edward and Kevanté laughing their faces off. "Slacking off on duty I see", stated Queen Latifa jokingly, both men straightened up at the sound of her voice. "Your highness, we were just"...., "Save the explanation for someone who would mind, your girlfriends and I have a favor to ask", replied Queen Melaine smiling. I felt my cheeks flushed at the queen's bold comments and the guys chuckled nervously scratching the backs of their necks. We walked away from the entrance heading closer to one of the backyard gardens as we filled them in on the plan. I took a quick glimpse towards the entrance of the dungeon and the sun hit my eyes causing me to blink rapidly. In between blinks I thought I saw a shadow enter the dungeon "Are you alright?", asked Clara observing me keenly, "Yeah it's the sun, it's affecting my eyes", I replied refocusing on the conversation. We then decided that Edward would stand guard while we went to see Leo, "Okay, Let's go, we have about ten minutes before the Kings arrival", replied Kevanté leading us into the dungeon.

{Leo's Pov}

I sat up straight watching the clock hands moving as slow as ever, I regretted not having all of my breakfast. But forget hunger, I hope Katarina is safe, "Please God, let her be safe", I said aloud. "Had no idea you were a religious man Leo ", whispered an unfamiliar voice. I jumped up looking around frantically to find where the voice had come from, my eyes landed on an Asian man slowly emerging from the shadows to stand in front of my cell. "So let me get straight to the point as my time here is limited. I was sent by Lee to inform you that we have Katarina and he has been on the black market for a day now. Lee has a lot of plausible buyers but he's giving you the chance to buy her before he sells to the highest bidder", he finished flatly. My heart dropped as I ran to the bars and began shaking them, "What did you do!!?, where is she?", I shouted angrily. He smiled turning around to leave only to come face to face with a taser gun, "Move and you get it", threatened Kevanté. The Queens were there looking as confused as ever while Katarina's stupid sister was calling for back up on her bracelet and Lenora mumbled something to herself.

"Who are you, how did you get in and what is your business here?" asked Queen Melaine finding her bearings, there was no answer. "Leo, you have five seconds to start talking since he won't", threatened Queen Latifa as Edward entered, walking swiftly to where they were standing. "I locked us in here and we have approximately eight minutes before the kings arrive", he said out of breath before pausing to analyze the situation. "Wait who is this and how did he get in?", he asked looking at the stranger who was at gun point. "It must have been when we were talking but he had to be spying on us from before, you were the shadow I saw entering the dungeon", replied Lenora pointing a finger accusingly. "You saw a shadow entered the dungeon?", asked Queen Melaine confused. "Why didn't you say anything?", she continued. "I, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because of the sun", replied Lenora nervously trying to lessen the questions that were being thrown at her. "Ooh, Len", sighed Clara trying to keep her composure.

Edward then pulled out his taser gun pointing it at the stranger before looking in the direction of the Queens. "Have a minute over there to discuss your next move, we'll keep him in place", he offered signaling towards a corner a bit further away from where they were standing. The Queens took the offer without a second thought, "This is bad", stated Clara as they stood in the corner. "What are we going do?", asked Lenora looking to the Queens for reassurance. "Well, this might sound crazy, but we could secretly keep him prisoner until we find out more about the situation. Torcher him and Leo to get the answers that we came for plus extra information. We could start by yanking out their fingernails!", stated Queen Latifa smiling wildly with a crazy look in her eyes. "Or we could just admit the truth to the kings, apologize and together we deal with whatever this is", offered Queen Melaine silently judging Queen Latifa. "I'm with Queen Melaine on this one, I mean we weren't even supposed to be here in the first place, we have risked the guys' jobs as well as ours to do this", replied Lenora worried. "I agree with Lenora but if we didn't do this, we probably wouldn't have found out that we were being spied on so we can use that as our defense", answered Clara nodding. "Ok but if you changed your mind", "Tifa", warned Queen Melaine, "Okay, Okay. Let's tell the guys", answered Queen Latifa while Clara and Lenora chuckled.

They walked slowly back to the source of their problems, "The Kings will arrive in the next three minutes" announced Edward awaiting the Queens decision. "We'll remain here until they arrive and once, they do let me do the talking", replied Queen Melaine in a serious tone. The guys tried their best to hide the panic that washed over their faces, but Lenora and Clara caught it immediately. "We haven't forgotten about you Leo, who is this and why is here?", interrogated Queen Latifa walking towards the cell. "He's one of Lee's men, Lee sent him because I owe some money", replied Leo lowering his head. "You borrowed money from one of the most wanted criminals! wow why don't you just check suicide along with betrayal off of your bucket list ", Lenora practically shouted. "I won't even ask who, how, when or where but whoever he is, doesn't he know that you're being held a prisoner. How would you possible pay him off from in here", questioned Queen Melaine flatly. "Lee has his ways", answered the stranger talking for the first time, "His ways don't seem that promising seeing that you were caught", spat Kevanté dryly. A loud knock on the metal doors startled everyone, "The Kings are here", announced Lenora with panic in her eyes.

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