Chapter 1~

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 A cold wind blows over you, and you scowl. Why did they have to pick the coldest time of the year to make me go here? They could have at least waited until after summer, you think, frowning. You look at the huge school standing in front of you, staring at the sign that reads "St. Freya High". You sigh, then walk in.

You flash back to a few days ago when a higher-ranking member of your organization told you that there was a Herrscher you needed to keep an eye out for - and possibly need to kill, if she became too powerful - in St. Freya High, and that her name is Raiden Mei. The officer had only given you a picture of her and her would have to figure out how to follow her yourself. You walked in without hesitation and sighed; school was boring and it was going to be a long day.

After a few minutes of walking around in the school, you find the class you're supposed to be attending and cautiously walk in. Immediately, something catches your eye: a familiar kind and innocent that matches your photo exactly. That's her! you tell yourself as you triple-check the photo to make sure. Mei turns around from talking to her friend - a girl with gray hair wearing a blue tunic and glasses - and catches you staring at her. She smiles awkwardly and quickly turns away.

After school you finish your homework, then decide to brainstorm ideas on how to keep an eye on Mei. Maybe you could change your schedule to have all the same classes as her...but you realize that would be impossible and also suspicious since you've never talked to her. You sit in your dorm and think for a while; you glance at your clock and are surprised to see that it is already midnight. Has it seriously been that long? I've spent the past 4 hours obsessing over this girl...I think that's kind of concerning, you worry. Maybe since I'm so "obsessed" with her I'll ask her on a date, you joke.

Morning came before you realized, you sighed since you didn't get any sleep. In the end you couldn't think of any ideas. You walk to school and the day slowly goes by. As you walk out of your last class, you spot Mei again, this time she is walking alone. Now's my chance! you think excitedly. You hurriedly catch up to her and get her attention.

"Hi!" you exclaim cheerfully, trying to not sound at all suspicious. "You're Mei, right? Raiden Mei?"

"Um...yes," Mei replies cautiously. "How did you know?"

"I..." You try to find a good excuse. "I heard one of the teachers call you Raiden Mei. So...yeah."

Mei nods awkwardly. ", I have to go back to my dorm...Fu Hua is waiting for me."

"Uh, okay. You'd...better go then."

Mei walks away and you just stand there, feeling more embarrassed by the second. What even was that? I didn't even have a plan! you cursed. Defeated, you decide to go back to your dorm and see if luck is on your side.

Based on the disaster that happened today, you really doubted it.

After thinking for too long, you could only think of one idea: to ask her on a date. Sure, it was a bit farfetched, but it is the only option you have. You could barely sleep last night...maybe you were nervous...Or maybe you were excited. You try to convince yourself that it's only for the mission and before you could realize, the sun had already risen. "Time to put my new plan into action..." you mutter.

You go through all of your classes, and they seem to go by faster than they normally do. Maybe it was a side effect of how nervous you are. Eventually, you walk out of your last class, and you decide to go look for Mei.

It takes a long time for you to find her, and when you do finally get a glimpse of her, you are frustrated to see that she is surrounded by a ton of other people, who you assume are her friends. Why is it that whenever I have a plan, there's something to ruin it?!

You nervously hover near the group, waiting for Mei to be alone. "I should've asked her yesterday...'' you angrily scolded yourself.

A girl with curly gray hair stretches and yawns, then catches your eye. She freezes. "Mei, the Bronya thinks that that person over there wants to talk to you," she tells Mei. She acknowledges Bronya, then looks over to you.

Her eyes flash with recognition. "Oh, I know them! We talked one time it alright if I go for a moment?" she asks her friends.

Fu Hua, Bronya, and the others nod, and Mei stands up and walks towards you. "What is it?" she asks, obviously confused on why you've been following her.

Confidently, not giving yourself the opportunity to hesitate, you ask her, "What do you think about a date?"


Thank you @basil_fried_rice for helping me write this~

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