Chapter 11~

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 You do a double take and look them over again. It's them alright. Seele Vollerei, and Rozaliya and Liliya Olenyeva. They're older now, and things have changed, especially with the sister. Last time you saw them, they didn't have mechanical tails...

When they see you aren't going to be saying anything, Seele laughs. "Sorry for startling you. Roza's kind of...energetic."

"You bet I am!" Rozaliya grins confidently.

"Roza...I'm not sure you're making a great impression..." Liliya says.

Her sister just grins wider. "Forget impressions. New Year is a time to celebrate! Being loud! Scares away evil spirits, y'know? I bet I'm scaring every evil spirit in the universe!"

Seele glances at her. "It's not just evil spirits you're scaring."

"Eh. I'll take that as a compliment!"

Everyone turns back to you. You're still trying to comprehend that yes, your former roomates at the orphanage are here, alive, right in front of you. Rozaliya frowns. "You gonna say anything or what? This is kinda weird. We're talking to you, y'know!"

"Roza!" Seele and Liliya hiss in unison.

"O-oh, um, it's alright," you stammer, flinching slightly. "I was just...kind of...surprised?" That's the truth... "You guys just reminded me of some people I know." ...And that's practically a lie.

"Alright, whatever, keep your excuses to yourself," Rozaliya says. "I don't know why I asked."

Seele glares at Rozaliya, then turns back to you. "Hey, since we're so sorry that we bothered you like that—" she glances back at Rozaliya with a don't-argue-with-this look— "would you like to join us to the fireworks display that's happening later tonight?"

"Fireworks display?" you ask. You're still kind of shell-shocked about this whole situation.

"Yeah! It's going off sometime at ten...everyone's going to be at the bridge, since that's the best place to see the fireworks. It's really pretty," Seele explains. "So, do you want to join us? I think it'll be really fun."

You glance at Rozaliya and Liliya to see what their reaction to this sudden offer is. Liliya looks indifferent whether you come or not, but she always looks like that, so you are hopeful that she wants you to come. Rozaliya, on the other hand, mouths the words Say no.

"Um..." you mumble. Don't go, what if you make a fool of yourself? says one part of you. Go! It'll be fun! You haven't seen fireworks in ages, says another part.

You end up finally picking the more positive side. The whole reason that you had come to the Lunar New Year festival was to have a bit of fun, right? And actually going with people to see the fireworks would be fun! "You know what, sure. I'll come with you."

Your mouth turns up in a smile, but you realize that the three girls can't see it because of your mask. Seele seems to understand though, and she says, "Great! Meet us near the rice cake stall at ten and we'll come get you!"

"Yeah, okay," you say, nodding slightly. "See you then!"

The three girls nod back, then walk away. Liliya lingers, though. She seems to be thinking about something.

"Everything okay?" you ask her.

"Yes," she replies. "Your voice just sounds...familiar, that's all. What did you say your name was, again?"

Your heart starts to beat faster. "I...I never told you my name..."

"Well, then...What's your name?"

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