Chapter 9~

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Even though you were sent to a school for your mission, you haven't been doing anything school-related in recent times, not since a few weeks ago when you'd made your important call.

And so, when there was a knock at your dorm door, you have no idea what it was for.

Huh, I wonder who it is... you think, standing up. You walk over to the door and open it slightly, peering through the crack. There's nobody there, but there is an envelope lying on the ground. Your heart starts to race. Did...did Mei reply to my letter? Is this her reply?! You crouch down and excitedly pick up the letter. You take it back to your bed and flip it over.

To: (Y/N) (L/N)

The St. Freya High Board of Education

Your heart sinks. This obviously isn't a reply letter from Mei. The farthest thing from it. Instead, it was a letter from the school board...Right. School exists, you think. Haven't been to a class ever since I wanted to leave...

You rip the envelope open, pull out the note, and unfold it. Oh.

It was a report card.

You'd already aced all the practical tests the teachers had given you, due to your expertise in fighting. The technical tests, the ones where you had to write stuff, were also pretty easy. Your organization had trained you on controlling your emotions, so your attitude was always spot-on.

You figure the reason St. Freya had failed you is because you hadn't been attending any classes recently.

There are a few notes from the teachers as well, confirming your suspicions.

Hello, (Y/N). I've noticed that you haven't been coming to classes lately, and I was wondering if you're okay. I'm sorry we had to fail you, because you were a very good student, but you've missed too many school days for me to promote you to a higher-rank Valkyrie. But, I hope you're doing well. Take care of yourself, and have a good Lunar New Year...when it comes.

—Theresa Apocalypse, Principal

Where have you been?! You missed out on a lot of training! You literally failed all your classes! What's sad is that you were a good student, until you chose not to be. But, you know, whatever, it's your life. If you're feeling depressed or something, I put something else in the envelope that might cheer you up. Lunar New Year's really close!

—Murata Himeko, your favorite and only teacher

Whatever, you think indifferently, throwing the letter over your shoulder. Grades aren't really the things you're aiming for, at this point. All your focus is going to get the heck out of here...but you have no idea when you'll be leaving. You hope it'll be soon.

Your mind wanders back to what Himeko had written...a thing inside the envelope that would cheer you up?

Then you notice a folded bright red piece of paper that you hadn't yet seen before inside the envelope. Taking it out, you realize it is a flyer for a Lunar New Year firework festival.

A gold foil dragon design covered the paper, with large white letters reading "Come to the Lunar New Year festival!" Smaller letters underneath said "There are performances, food, games, fireworks, and a lot more!" A colorful image of fireworks was behind the text.

You smile as you remember watching fireworks with your friends at the orphanage a long time ago, the glowing sparks standing out in the dark night sky, and they had left you in shock as it had been the prettiest thing you had ever seen.

It would be nice to go to one of those festivals again, you think. Maybe I should go to this one. It should be big enough that I won't be noticed...

-Mei's POV-

It's the end of the semester...and that means report cards are coming back.

I nervously tear open the envelope I had received this morning. Grades weren't exactly something I had prioritized in the past month, for obvious reasons.

Looking over the letter, I realize my grades were even worse than I had expected; they range from 30-60 percent, which is not a passing this point I'm going to have to redo the school year. There's a note from the principal, Miss Theresa, and my teacher, Miss Himeko.

Hello, Mei. I've noticed that your grades have dropped significantly over the past month, which is strange since you were always one of our top students. I am very sorry that you can't be promoted to a higher-rank Valkyrie this semester, but if you focus and keep your grades up, I am certain you will rank up by the end of this year! I hope you're doing fine and that nothing's bothering you too much. Have a wonderful Lunar New Year!

—Theresa Apocalypse, Principal

Mei, you know what's sad? You used to be one of our top students near the beginning of the year, but for some reason, your grades have dropped drastically. I saw a lot of potential in you, but potential is nothing if you don't work hard. Anyway, if anything's on your mind, feel free to talk to me; you can find me at your nearest wine place. I included a flyer inside the envelope that you might find interesting. Lunar New Year is coming soon. Maybe you should dress up as a dragon to celebrate!

—Murata Himeko, your favorite and only teacher

I slightly laugh at the idea of dressing up as a dragon, and after reading the letter I feel refreshed and motivated to work harder. My feelings toward (Y/N) shouldn't be distracting me from school like this. I want to be a higher-ranking Valkyrie, after all!

I also look through the flyer Miss Himeko had included in the envelope. A Lunar New Year festival next week, huh? A festival like that sounds kind of fun. I haven't been to one in a long time because it brings back too many painful memories, but if I have friends with me, it'll be...nice.

Alright, I think determinedly. Now that that's settled...let's go put this on my calendar!

fulmination (Mei x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora